V-St(R)eam #2: It’s official! Welcome to the new show!

Well, the hemp oil really helped me chill so I decided to “V-St(R)eam” again on Facebook Live!!  And I’m inspired to V-St(R)eam regularly to really help spread this incredible healing practice further and farther!

In this 2nd episode of V-St(R)eaming, I share the brilliant Womb Healer Marcia Lopez’s statement that:  “V-Steaming won’t heal Everything (though it does heal A LOT!!) but it WILL CHANGE your life!”  And I couldn’t agree with her more.

I will share many ways in which V-Steaming can CHANGE your life in each episode!  Join me live, Thursdays 11amPT and V-Steam with me!! I’ll also be V-St(R)emaing spontaneously at other random times during the week 😉

I will be interviewing Marcia Lopez and many other amazing leaders who are reclaiming  Sacred Feminine Power!

If you’d like to be on the cutting edge of this incredible Sacred Feminine Power Awakening, hop onto my mailing list and find out who I’ll be interviewing, and what resources I’ll be sharing each week –  click here!

The inaugural, first episode of V-St(R)eaming can be accessed here.

And to learn about how and the benefits of squatting and child’s pose during V=steaming, check out V-st(R)eam #3!

If you have any questions or comments about V-Steaming, Sacred Feminine Power and beyond, please post below!  Lets do this together!!  If you’d like to contribute to the conversation and be interviewed, please reach out to me: michelle@michellewhitehart.com I”m excited to spread this message with your unique perspective!


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