Hi, I’m Michelle :)

This journey of embodying my sexual energy has evolved into a passion to spread the good news- it’s not game over just because you’ve hit menopause!

After being sexually shut down for most of my twenties, thirties and forties, my dormant sexual energy was awakened in my 50s. Something woke up… Hmmm…. what was it? Why did it happen? I just started to get curious and looking for different sexual practices and ways to heal my sexual energy.

I discovered V-steaming and dove into that. It felt really good and connected me to my pelvis in a way that I had never felt before. Like I was home. Home in my power center. I then wanted to connect to my womb on a somatic level and created guided womb journeys for myself. I then started working with a sexological bodyworker, John Petz, and unveiled a bunch of trauma. That work inspired me to take more ownership of my healing and to use my own hands. What a concept.

I dove into sexual healing trainings and worked with sexual amour and learned to have G-spot orgasms! I was on a roll!

When I discovered the work of Rick Guttierez , it revolutionized my inner somatic tracking practice. He teaches how to encourage the Grand Flow of energy to move through you and into your field. That’s the short form. It is definitely part of my sexual healing, though less directly for the most part, unless I want to weave directly into my sexual healing. It helps me get into the Flow in and into my Field which helps all areas of my life. It’s like magic, working organically at it’s own pace, it melts trauma and reconfigures my nervous system.

I am enjoying a rich exploratory collaboration with a colleague to integrate the Grand Flow energy work with embodied movement. How can we move/dance while allowing the Grand Flow through us? We are playing and experimenting with it.

This work has changed my life and it has become a passion to integrate it as much as I can. I am fascinated with how this work fits in with the work of various healers and scientists. I am currently hoping to share this work with:

° Dr. Gerald Pollock, scientist and author of “The 4th Phase of Water”

° Dr. Tom Cowan, who has proven that the “The Heart is Not a Pump”

° Gil Headly, somatic anatomist

° Fiona Garfield, microscopist

The Grand Flow of Energy, I believe, is at the root of all of the brilliant work of these pioneering folks. I love connecting ideas and people. That is one of y greatest desires. So I am following that desire. Who knows where it will take me, but it all connects with my mission to expose the lies about menopause. And so I hope to interview these brilliant minds and discuss their work on my podcast: “Sex, Lies, and Menopause.” I believe each one offers pieces which can help us reinstate the true sexual power of menopause.

This podcast is designed to help change the way we think about menopause and all of the limiting beliefs we have inhaled from the intense media and medical programming.

I interview sex coaches, sexually embodied women over 40, alternative healing mavericks and anyone who has something to contribute to this important discussion. This is an educational project to help women reinvent their sexual embodiment before, during and after menopause. You can tune in on Spotify. Come join in the movement!