Navigating my sexual life during the portal of my mother’s death has been enlightening and liberating. I learned that trying tokeep my ‘fragile’ libido alive through my self pleasure practices and jade egg practice was actually limiting and was reinforcing scarcity.
I felt like I ‘should’ self-pleasure every day or every other day, especially since I was away from my ‘sexploration’ partner and risked losing my hard won progress.
But that thought process created stress and a push-pull tug of war inside of me. That was not a place of self-honoring and trusting my body— that was a place of lack and judgement and was coming from being outside of my body— in an idea, a ‘should’.
I had to learn to trust that my sexual energy wasn’t going to evaporate because I was choosing to be fully immersed in my mother’s passing and in doing what needed to be done.I did not give up on my Yoni, nor did I stick to a self-pleasure schedule.
We stayed connected in a more gentle, organic flow after I realized that my Jade egg practice didn’t feel right in this moment.
I had given myself a 2 month day deadline to settle all the details and objects of my mother’s rich, artistic life as I wanted to spend Christmas with my sister in Calgary.
My mother’s legacy deserved high level focus and care and my Yoni needed pressure-free spaciousness to soften and open.I share this because each of us will likely go through changes and challenges where our self-pleasure practices will shift or pause possibly.
Being kind and gentle with ourselves will soften and open us much more than adhering to a rigid, fear-motivated schedule— though sticking to a regular practice is also supportive. There are no set rules, here.
Low libido has been an ‘issue’ for me, most of my adult life and I am focusing on it in menopause of all times— seemingly the most challenging time— and yet it’s getting interesting! Instead of judging myself as deficient, I am seeing that it is NOT a Problem! How refreshing is that?
I will be sharing more about it as there is so much more to say!
She shares how she spaciously navigates low libido in her relationship. And though she works with couples with newborns and young children— there is so much crossover with those of us in menopause, peri and post.
Low libido happens at any age and we can definitely learn from each other how to navigate it.
I could totally relate to Sofia, who is possibly 20 years younger than me and has a completely different life!
I realized that, as she puts it, “I am at war with my vagina!” when I impose a rigid self-pleasure schedule on myself or judge and bemoan my ‘low libido’,
That really doesn’t help your libido at all!
You can hear a quickie, humorous clip of her talking about it here.
And now. back in Marin after being away for 4 whole months and after 2 fun sexploration rendezvouses (yes, that is the plural form!)—I am realizing that I am in better shape than I was before I left!
Wow! How is it possible that I was able to get juicier and have G-spot pleasure more easily than ever?
Something has shifted and it’s not because of what I thought would shift it i.e. a rigorous self-pleasure and jade egg practice! At least not one that came from fear motivation 😉
There are more factors at play in this so-called ‘low libido’ arena — one of which is listening and full self-acceptance of my libido exactly as she is in any given moment. I will be delving deeper into other factors that I am exploring in the coming weeks.
If ‘low libdio’ is a sore spot for you— whether in menopause or at any age— you will start to shift your perspective through this series of emails as well as from this podcast with Sofia Ashley.
Sofia shares a lot of personal experiences and easy, fun ways to work with your low libido and not feel it is stopping your sex life. You can catch the audio version of the episode on Spotify.
The truth is, is we need more sex ed! And Sofia offers not only sex ed but sex coaching examples, personal experience and humour in this podcast. I have more short clips of this episode to share to explore this subject if you don’t want to hunker down and listen to the whole thing.
Love your Libido however it is showing up! Calling your libido, ‘low’, as I have done for a long time, is not doing your libido or you any favours. So-called ‘low’ libido may not be low at all. It just might be sleepy and waiting for the right set of circumstances to wake up 😉
Exciting, right?
To be continued!
To your awesome libido— exactly as she is, right now!
As we continue the deep dive into feeling and embodying Space/emptiness within, we learn of yet another fascinating woman of Tibetan Buddhism.
It is said that, “the Buddha himself prophesied of Machig Labdrön: ‘When my teaching is thin like a tea leaf, the embodiment of [Prajña Paramita] the Great Mother, whose name is Labdrön will come and her activity will be far reaching. Anyone who is involved with her activity will be liberated.’ [source]
She is also said to be the reincarnation of Yeshe Tsogyal and a long lineage of enlightened people including an Indian (male) yogi, also named Machig.
Was Machig Labdrön divinely born? The story goes that Machig, an ascetic yogi practicing meditation in a cave in India had a series of visions. He was told to leave his body in the cave, while his spirit was to enter the womb of Bumcham, Machig Labdrön’s mother to be in Tibet.
Does this sound familiar? Reminiscent of the story we learned of Maya Devi who conceived Buddha in a dream, where the 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫, choosing to be born through her–parthenogenetically.
In the picture, you can see the white elephant entering Maya Devi’s womb from the right as she sleeps.
Similarly, on the night Bumcham conceived, she had extraordinary dreams.
When Machig Labdrön was born, she was bathed in a divine light, reciting syllables, and with an open third eye. She sat upright immediately, and asked if her mother was well. Her father recognized that she had all the signs of a wisdom dakini. source
Machig Labdrön was a child prodigy at age 3 and studied Buddhist sacred texts soon after. She had a very interesting, long life, including practicing sacred union and having to leave her community who didn’t understand these sacred sexual practices.
After living more like a house holder for 8 years, mother of 3 young children, Machig Labdrön leaves her family to live much like Yeshe Tsogyal and Lakshimkara in rags, practicing Tantric rites in cemeteries. She studied with 2 great teachers and “transformed the precious teachings of the Sutra into the new and uniquely powerful spiritual practice called Chod. This caused a kind of renaissance in Tibetan Buddhism. ” source
The essence of the Chod teachings is to find the Buddha within oneself through one’s own efforts. source Her teachings eventually ended up influencing Buddhism in India and her fame spread far and wide. It is said that 1263 of her disciples achieved enlightenment. Wow!Great track record! Emptiness- the Womb of Reality
Miranda Shaw says in Buddhist Goddesses of India that “all things are born out of emptiness, take form in empty space like clouds coalescing in the sky, shimmer momentarily like a magician’s illusion, and then dissolve back into the cosmic source. ”
Emptiness, in Buddhism, is seen as a way to explain that we are not as we see ourselves. Our essence is beyond the world of appearances and matter— similar to our ongoing exploration of how we are more space than we are matter i.e. 99.99999% space. Shaw beautifully describes that the 3D world we live in, of appearances, shares “in the purity and ultimate meaningfulness from [which it comes] —emptiness, the womb of reality [Shaw, p160]
Which is another way of saying the Buddhist catch all: ” Form is emptiness and emptiness is form “ Though we are made of some matter and look solid, aka, form, our essence comes from and is beyond form aka emptiness. And the only way to enter into the emptiness, we have to fully embody our form, which is what we are doing in Womb Power.
When we feel the sensations within our womb and body, we tap into the energy and emptiness of our 99.99999% Space makeup! In Womb Power we deep dive into the Womb, feel the Space and emptiness of our womb (and whole body) — are essentially tapping into Emptiness with a captial E, which Miranda Shaw calls the Womb of Reality!
Feeling the Space is how we bridge into the cosmic womb. In this exploration we are cultivating our connection to the greater cosmic portal of the womb and to it’s creatrix, manifestation power!
G-spot diaries:
Without going into too much detail, I’ve been dropping a few tidbits of my sexual healing and expansion. I figure at 58, if my yoni is belatedly coming online, my expanded entries will help anyone who has been shut down to this power source which is our birth right! Stay tuned for how you can access the full G-spot diaries.
The latest entry does not involve a G-spot orgasm or squirting…. However, my practitioner reflected to me that my womb is very much online and that he feels it’s potency when we are doing the work on the table. That is a direct result of Womb Power classes and doing my practice! This stuff works! I encourage you to keep connecting to your womb to keep awakening it’s power! Practicing consistently builds this power incrementally— not too fast and not too slow— at a pace your nervous system can sustain.
We will: 🪷 deepen into feeling the space in the: front, back and sides of the womb, ovaries, Fallopian tubes and uterine wings 🪷 feel the space in the cervix
🪷 move through all the movement forms to soften, expand, strengthen and awaken the whole body
I had an accidental, mystical, peak sexual experience in 1992 in the jungle of Guatemala and have been hoping to have another ever since, but didn’t really know what it was or how to have it again.
I was traveling with 2 Argentinian women and we met a cute English guy in El Biotopo del Quetzal- a natural reserve for the national bird of Guatemala.
He traveled with us for a little while and then the two Argentinian women decided to part ways when I stayed in his room one night. That day he and I went on a long hike and didn’t take any water with us… He drank coca cola in plastic bags that were sold along the way and I chose to wait to drink water when we got back. It was a long walk through the jungle to a little river that we swam in.
By the time we were walking back, I was getting uncomfortably dehydrated and couldn’t talk or hold his hand. I had to put all of my focus on making it back in one piece.
When we got back I was so relieved to drink water and lie down on our bed of hay bales in our dirt floor, window-less room. Nothing on the walls. No electricity. Just hanging out naked on our opened, thin sleeping bags.
I was lying on my back and he was on his side, barely touching my pubic hair. It was exquisitely relaxing. No rush, no pressure. Just talking and chilling.
At one point I said to him, “All I can feel is my head. My whole body has merged with the universe!”
I didn’t know when it had started or when it ended. It was nothing I had ever experienced before. One moment I was lying on the hay bales and the next I could only feel my head — my body was diffuse and I was in a state of total bliss.
Eventually, I felt my body again but the transition was so subtle that I wasn’t aware when it occurred. I was in a lightly altered state for about 3 days. I remember we got on a bus the next day and I was enjoying all the bumps on the road, lightly aroused by all the jostling around.
Two months later when I was back in Los Angeles, I bought a book on Tantra but didn’t do much with it. I figured Tantra would have the answers but didn’t have the guts to study it in person.
My neighbor took me to a dance studio in Santa Monica and I began to ‘barefoot boogie,’ three times a week. This led me to a teacher who taught somatic movement and leadership, who I studied with intensely for 14 years. This gave me the foundation of being present in the body, which is the foundation of Tantra, but we weren’t studying Tantra.
It wasn’t until 2009, when I read Diana Richardson’s book, Tantric Orgasm for Women, that I learned that what I had experienced was in fact a bona fide Tantric Orgasm. She described my experience perfectly— no peak, no crash, more like a valley, no heat, on the ‘cool’ side, no clear beginning or ending, can last for hours or days, blissful….etc…
It was very gratifying to have my experience described and to understand a little bit more. But after reading all of her books, it seemed you needed a partner to practice, though there were a few solo practices. I did the breast meditation for a while, but didn’t get very far with it. And when I emailed her, she graciously responded but didn’t seem to think it was possible without penetration! Oy!
This shows me how elusive and not well understood these transcendent orgasms are!
Then in 2017 I started Yoni steaming and exploring different partnered sexual practices and my world expanded.
It wasn’t until a few years later that I learned that there were such a thing as cervical orgasms! WOW! After some research I realized that my “Tantric Orgasm” was actually an ‘energetic’ cervical orgasm! You can have cervical orgasms during penetration or without even being touched!
It blew my mind that I had never heard about cervical orgasms before. And I barely knew if G-spot orgasms really existed. Oy!
I started teaching Womb Power when the pandemic hit in May of 2020 and started to explore feeling sensation and energy in the Womb, Yoni and their connection to various parts of the body. It was a laboratory to practice and integrate all of my research into the esoteric and visceral sexual/spiritual circuitry of a woman’s body.
Some of my classes focused on the cervix. I was teaching women to feel their cervix with their attention. I also shared anatomical diagrams of the womb and cervix and how Cervical Orgasms are unique because the cervix has 3 pairs of nerves going into it. One of them is the Vagus Nerve, which is the reason for the altered, cosmic aspect of the orgasm. It also releases Oxytocin adding to that very blissful feeling.
Learning how the cervix and the womb have cosmic powers was thrilling and exciting.
My body started becoming more and more energetically attuned and through much research and study with sacred geometry and a few sex coaches I have come to realize that Womb Power builds the energetic skills to have cervical orgasms!
I am eternally grateful for that cervical initiation because I know what I am looking for in my next conscious cervical orgasm and I now know what it was and understand more how it might have occurred.
That extreme state of relief, relaxation, safety, trust, no pressure, no outside stimulation allowed me to surrender. I happen to be very energetically sensitive and the English man’s sensitive touch was perfect for me in that moment. My body was able to open and have this cosmic, sexual experience.
There was a lot of grace and I recognize it was a gift of the Goddess. Perhaps connecting me to my past life as a Tantric priestess.
What seemed impossible to re-create is now becoming more and more of a potential reality, 30 years later!
Womb Power ⚡️ helps de-armor by feeling on a sensation level, without having to go into story specifics. This helps release stored trauma and stuck emotions/energy which form armor in the womb, cervix, vagina, pelvic floor, heart etc…
Releasing the armor helps sensation and feeling to come back and re-awakens your feminine circuitry.
The Goddess and my Yoni/Womb have led me to create Womb Power ⚡️Movement and Meditation. And now I believe they have led me to train the participants to develop body skills for conscious cervical orgasms!
I have no doubt that I will be able to have cervical orgasms in the not so distant future.
When I begin to have them on the regular and fully crack the code on this elusive, spiritual-sexual experience, I will be teaching women how to have them. I simply can’t wait to do that, because I believe this is one of the most life transforming experiences we can have as women!
So many synchronicities! I wanted to work with an Earth Goddess because I wanted to work with the pelvic floor.
I discovered Phra Mae Thorani—Earth Goddess, greatly loved and revered in Buddhist temples and outside of them all over Burma, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. She is massively popular!!
I was intrigued by the fact that Womb Power class falls on, July 7th, 7-7, so I looked up the number 7.
It turns out that Pythagoras believed Seven to be a highly spiritual number. It’s shepherd’s crook shape symbolically represents the flow of the kundalini from the bottom of the spine to the third eye in the centre of the forehead between the eyes— gateway to the innerworlds.
Well isn’t it coincidental that Phra Mae Thorani is portrayed wringing ‘the cool waters of detachment’ out of her hair that is shaped very much like a shepherd’s crook!
How does Phra Mae Thorani save the Buddha who is in on the brink of enlightenment?
The Bodhisattva was sitting in meditation on his throne under the Bodhi Tree. Mara, the Evil One, was jealous and wanted to stop him from reaching enlightenment. Accompanied by his warriors, wild animals and his daughters, he tried to [tempt and] drive the Bodhisattva from his throne.
All the gods were terrified and ran away, leaving the Bodhisattva alone
to face Mara’s challenge. The Bodhisattva stretched down his right hand
and touched the earth, summoning her [to come to his assistance in
obtaining enlightenment by witnessing his past good deeds.]
earth deity in the form of a beautiful woman rose up from underneath
the throne, and affirmed the Bodhisattva’s right to occupy the
vajrisana. She twisted her long hair, and torrents of water collected
there from the [Buddha’s countless] libations over the ages created a
flood. The flood washed away Mara and his army, and the Bodhisattva was
freed to reach enlightenment. [source]”
like the way she channeled the Buddha’s good deeds in the form of all
the libations he had performed to drown out his enemies. Now that’s
team work! And you could also say she channeled the kundalini from the
earth up her spine and out her crown, through her hair!
She is also usually portrayed dancing and swaying her hips horizontally, creating a balance with the vertical ascension of the kundalini. Her hair and water flowing bring feminine downward energy balancing the upward masculine energy.
In temple murals, Phra Mae Thorani is often depicted with the Buddha in the mudra known as calling the earth to witness, where he points his right hand downward— honoring the feminine earth energy. The waters flowing downward from her long hair wash away the armies of Mara and symbolize the water of the bodhisattva’s perfection of generosity (dāna paramī) and I would say the power of the feminine energy.
Phrae Mae Thorani’s intervention to defeat the forces of Mara is a massviely popular topic for murals and statues in temples. She is also called upon for help by people in all sorts of situations such as by farmers to provide fertile soils and rain for crops.
Even young men desperately seeking a bride invoke Phra Mae Thorani’s magic by scooping up some earth with the big toe of their right foot and with the right hand rubbing it into the top of their head! Reflecting the polarity of as below, so above!
Fractal Anatomy
We will explore fractal anatomy as Meredith Sands Keator has coined the term, finding patterns that repeat in the body eg. the mirror relationship between the pelvic floor and the diaphragm–
The curved muscle at the top is the diaphragm which is mirrored by the pelvic floor curve at the bottom .
Did you know that the pelvic floor has 26 muscles?!!!
The Pelvic floor needs all of these muscles to:
*Stabilize your spine and hips *Contribute to sexual pleasure *Hold organs up and in place *Act as a pump to circulate blood and lymph fluids *Control your bowels and bladder
The Pelvic Floor is a humble, very often overlooked part of our body... So it behooves us to get better acquainted! We have parts of our pelvic floor that are too tight and parts that are too loose which can cause a bunch of unhappy symptoms like:
we will use breath to explore the relationship between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor and drop into a deep state of relaxation, bringing resilience to both the diaphragm and pelvic floor.
We’ll also use movement and create flexibility, agility and strength in the pelvic floor.
I had first hand experience with painful sex and difficulty orgasming and through working with my pelvic floor and yoni, I have overcome these issues!
‘As above so below.’
Inspired by Phra Mae Thorani, we will also explore the kundalini flow between the mirrored energy centers of the root, also known as the feminine throne and the brain, the masculine crown.
And we’ll work with moving the horizontal energies through the womb and undulating which balances ascending and descending energies.
Light Conception
When we are able to feel the union of these complementary energies within our bodies, we are cultivating Light Conception! What is Light Conception? This is the way Mary conceived Jesus as did all the Virgin Divine Birth Priestesses. Today we can use this same inner technology for ourselves to create ourselves anew as well as new ideas and new paradigms!
We will be diving deeper into Light Conception the rest of this month!
Aphrodite Kallipygos aka ‘Aphrodite of the Beautiful Buttocks’ (0-200 BC) —great name!—is the Goddess on the right. She is a lot more known than the formidable, Neolithic, much older “Red Hair Goddess” (6300-5500 BC) from Northern Serbia, on the left.
In fact, I just learned about this “Red Hair” bountiful buttocks Goddess! The similarity and contrast between these goddesses are awesome! I couldn’t resist.
I love the attitude of the Red Hair Goddess who was created from a matriarchal culture. The reference to the ‘red hair’ comes from the red ocher which you can sort of see in this closeup— which is a blood mysteries indicator and that she is representative of the one and only Mother Goddess.
She’s got her hands on her hips. She’s not in the act of ‘exposing’ herself. She’s owning her power.
Marija Gimbutas, cutting edge, feminist archeologist, suggests that the recurring theme of “exaggerated buttocks” in Neolithic and Paleolithic Goddess sculptures “are a metaphor for the double egg or pregnant belly, intensified fertility or life power.” [1]
She goes on to say that “fat female posteriors had quite other than erotic significance. They were, in fact, the actualization of a cosmogonic concept. This symbolism expressed reverence for supernatural potency, expressed by the doubling device, the power of two.” [2]
I definitely feel the supernatural potency of “Red Hair’s” butt, especially in spectacular contrast with her mini perky breasts! And I’d like to add my somatic impressions to the mix as I’ve recently been doing healing butt and anus work.
Though Marija is saying these buttocks are “not of erotic significance,” as well as the breasts and curvaceousness of hundreds of naked female sculptures that have been found, I believe she had to de-emphasize the erotic aspect because male archeologists could only contextualize them as erotic images for male pleasure.
Marija was the first to interpret them as evidence of a Mother Goddess worshiping matriarchy. This feels right to me, but the debate continues.
I can’t help but feel that Aphrodite Kallipygos can help us in further decoding these ‘butt goddesses’ (my term ?.)
Origin of the cult of Aphrodite Kallipygos
The Kallipyge festivals celebrated Aphrodite, and consisted of a beauty pageant in which women exposed their buttocks, the winner gained the Kallipyge title, aka the one with beautiful buttocks! [source]
Ancient legend has it that two daughters of a successful farmer in Siracusa, Italy, made a bet to see which one had the most beautiful butt. They waited a long time for a passerby to come by and decide.
The moment a handsome, young man came close enough, Helena lifted her tunic, smiled and looked down at her butt. Apasia the younger sister then showed him hers and asked him to vote on the one he liked the most.
The young man was not only smitten by Helena’s butt but by her sassiness and chose hers. He then went back to the city to tell his younger brother who most intrigued raced over to see for himself. He promptly fell in love with Apasia, “long before he was lucky enough to see her bare buttocks!!”
The sons’ father, a wealthy gentleman, was hoping to marry his sons to women of his position but could not convince his sons. He finally agreed to let his sons marry the sisters.
Once married, Helena and Apasia built a temple in honor of Aphrodite and they called the statue of the goddess Aphrodite Kallipyge, because they invoked her powers of attraction and desire by baring their butts and found love!
Ass Power
Aphrodite Kallipygos could be a veiled way of re-igniting the healing, spiritual potency of the tush. Writing off the eroticism of “Red Hair” does not do her justice.
Most of us never let our butts see the light of day. Same with our yonis but I believe the butt has gotten an even greater ‘bum rap’ and I’d like to help ‘rectumfy’ the situation! ? ?
I have begun to awaken the erotic nature of my butt and anus— not what I expected in my healing journey but a nice surprise. I thought there was enough healing and pleasure to uncover in the yoni, but it seems the ass and anus have much to offer as well.
Like the Yoni, the Anus holds a lot of suppressed emotion, trauma— sexual or otherwise, you name it. I remember being in a yoga class many years ago and the teacher asked if we could feel whether we were holding our anus and at that moment I realized that I was constantly holding/clenching in my anus!
This was a somatic ah ha for me and helped me become aware of this pattern, but little did I know how much more there was to unravel here.
We automatically hold/lock our anus, as a natural survival mechanism to protect ourselves, just like we brace our lungs to not feel, to reduce the impact of a mental or emotional or physical blow. When we do this unconsciously for decades, we stop the flow of energy from the earth and our legs and we end up living more in our heads, feeling less stable and ultimately less safe in our bodies.
The same can be said about holding in the yoni— both are important! And I discovered that as I let go of holding in my yoni, it helped open my anus. I just discovered that there are many nerve endings in the opening of the anus which when stimulated, sends pleasure sensations to the clit and vagina!
WHO KNEW? In fact, it really feaked me out at first! I didn’t know what the heck was happening. Awakening these pleasure pathways feels as significant as bridging the left and right hemispheres of the brain!
The yoni and anus are very interrelated and when you think about it, only separated by half an inch!! Yet they feel like worlds apart! One is more hidden and just for elimination and not important, right? Wrong!
I had been thinking that my yoni and womb were the missing links in my somatic healing journey and have come to realize that the ass and anus are extremely important as well!
A tight ass leads to a tight lower back, and a tight attitude. Most of us have neglected our backsides, big time! This is a shadowy, less known part of ourselves.
There is much more to say about how important the ass is regarding the nervous system, spirituality and beyond. We will definitely revisit it.
Suffice it to say, that I believe the ancient ‘butt goddess’ sculptures’ erotic aspect is part of the spiritual power of the Mother Goddess and I will help guide us to viscerally unlock that in our bodies.
Exploring the Butt
We will:
bring awareness to the energy stored in the tail bone and butt
move in ways to open up stored, stuck energy in the back of the legs, lower back and butt & allow it to flow throughout the body
Feel the connection between the butt, lower back, legs, and feet with the earth
allow any emotion to move
have fun ‘shakin’ that ass!’
I hope you’ll join us at Womb Power, this Thursday, June 30th, 5-6:30pm PT!
NOTES: [1] [2] Gimbutas, Marija, “The Earth Fertility of Old Europe” article in ‘Dialogues d’histoire ancienne’, p.26 & 27
[image #1] Author of photos: Jugoslav Pendić, ERC BIRTH projekat 640557 – “Births, mothers and babies: Prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000-5000 cal BC”, funded by European Research Council (ERC), BioSens Institute, Novi Sad. Neolithic Venus figurine called “Red hair goddess”, terracotta, Starčevo culture, around 6300 – 5500 BC, excavated at Donja Branjevina archaeological site in Deronje village, Bačka region, northern Serbia. Red-hair goddess is standing female figurine with oversized glutei and emphasized breasts, and it represents woman progenitor or great mother, female divine concept characteristic for early matriarchy societies.It is on of the largest prehistoric figurines found in Serbia, being 38 cm high.Starčevo culture was one of the first Neolithic cultures in the Balkans, part of Starčevo–Kőrös–Criș cultural complex, possible predecessor of famousVinča culture. Bearers of Starčevo culture were the earliest agricultural communities in this part of Europe, and they were the first who introduced domesticated animals in the Balkans [image #2 ]
I first discovered En-hedu-Ana, the Mesopotamian High Priestess and first named author by following my interest in Mary Magdalene to the book, “The Sacred Prostitute Archetype,” over 25 years ago! (I found out later, that neither En-hedu-Ana nor Mary Magdalene were sacred prostitutes!)
I felt an electrical bzzzzt go through me when I read her words to the Goddess Inanna :
“Into my fate-determining Gipar temple, I entered for you I, the High Priestess, I, En-hedu-Ana
In that moment, I felt En-hedu-Ana speak directly to me, beckoning me to learn more about her. This was the first time I had come across ‘real proof’ that priestesses were actual, historical people and that goddesses had truly been worshiped.
[On this disk, En-hedu-Ana is overseeing a libation being poured by a nude priest in front of her. She is wearing the flounced garment worn by priestesses and Goddesses and the rolled brim hat of the High-Priestess.]
Though previously not much of a history buff, I became obsessed and embarked on a 6 year journey researching, digging up anything I could find about En-hedua-Ana in the UCLA library and beyond. She led me to cities in the US, Canada, Germany, Turkey and Greece to interview Ancient Near Eastern scholars and to film artifacts in famous museums..
Along the way, I made a nerdy, research website and a decent documentary, devoted to sharing En-hedu-Ana with the world. That’s what she wanted from me. She was tired of being passed over by male archeologists who didn’t acknowledge her as one of the most powerful religious figures of her time. This was before she was discovered by the mainstream.
We did work with En-hedu-Ana in Womb Power, over a year ago, highlighting her ability to write very strategic incantations which inspired our practice to track and describe sensations in the body.
I would say that this is a Priestess skill which we are developing in each class.
I feel called to revisit En-hedu-Ana’s Priestess role and take a closer look at her participation in the Sacred Marriage Rite.
To learn more about her Priestess role, you can jump straight to the 3rd segment of the documentary that focuses on her many skills and tasks as High Priestess . As Joan Westenholz says in the documentary, not much is known about the Sacred Marriage because it was a one of the most sacred, religious secrets, that was not intended to be shared with the public.
There are different instances of the Sacred Marriage which reveal clues about its function. First one is the installation ritual of the new En-Priestess which was considered so holy an event that it marked the name of that year. In cuneiform tablets it was recorded that this ritual involved a bed dais, on which it is speculated that the sacred marriage occurred between the En/High Priestess and the Moon God, Nanna or his human representative!)
This ritual was considered so holy that the bed itself and all the remains of the ritual including food and supplies were burned afterward.
How did they have sex?
Marguerite… see email
Why did they have sex if they weren’t trying to create a divine child?
It seems that the Sacred Marriage was co=opted by the Akkadian rulers who married their daughters to the Moon God to legitimize their rule. In the case of En-hedu-Ana, she was the first. She was the daughter of Sargon of Akkad who conquered Sumer and was the first to create an empire joining Sumer and Akkad. He placed Enheduana as En of Nanna in Sumerian city of Ur to strengthen his rule and try to create peace.
So important was this position, that there is a list of names spanning 500 years of all the King’s daughters who were chosen to be the En priestess of Nanna in Ur. Because they were trained to embody the Goddess and were seen as semi-divine, this gave the king extra power. And this was taken literally when Naram Sin, Sargon’s son, decided to become a divine ruler (look at that article)
The Giparu temple was the double temple for Ningal and Enheduana, that contained both the temple of the Goddess Ningal, the wife of the Moon God, Nanna, complete with her statue in the holy of holies as well as the residence of En-hedu-Ana. This symbolized how En=hedu=Ana was the human form of Ningal. In certain rituals, like teh Sacred Marriage, she embodied Ningal.
A bed dais was found in a small mysterious room off of the holy of holies— called the ‘Enun’ which means ‘room where the God spends the night.’
“I have not stretched my hand to receive the word of Ningal“– either through the sacred marriage or through dream prophecy— connection between prophecy and divine birth in Oracle of Delphi. (Zgoll in Documentary)
‘He approached me with envy in his eyes’- Lugalanne wants to consummate his takeover of Ur by sleeping with En-hedu-Ana, refers to her legitimizing his kingship. Another use of the Sacred marriage is to confer kingship, as Inanna did for the Kings.
This is your laboratory to embody your womb and cultivate the Frequency of Ease! Go at your own pace and take whatever guidance that fits and move the way your body wants to move in each moment.
I hope you’ll join us at Womb Power, Thursday, September 1st, 5-6:30pm PT!
No previous movement experience necessary. This is an embodiment practice that deepens with time.This is a practice, where the journey is more important than the destination. First Class is FREE! (**Let me know via email – at least 2 hours before class so I can send you the Zoom + Music links
Thursdays at 5pm-6:30 PT / 8pm ET/ 10:00 am Sydney, AU— $15 for single // $50 for 4 classes/replays– (save $10) International: paypal US dollars to USA: Venmo @Michelle-White-Hart
You will receive Zoom + Music link before class Replay will come a few days later- lasts a few weeks Feel free to contact me if you have any questions to make sure you have the tech sorted out 😉
I’m looking forward to exploring and moving with you!!
To the evolution of your womb!
PS If you’d like to invite friends– please do – first class is free-they just need to sign up here and let me know when they’d like to come.
Image sources & Footnotes:
* Just to reiterate, I am following the structure of the amazing Rosa Mystica Mystery School that I am currently a student of, so that I can deepen into that work more and share the journey with you!
[image #1] Disque d’Enheduanna. Albâtre, v. 2350-2300 av. J.-C. Ur. Diamètre : 25.6 cm, épaisseur : 7.1 cm. Description du bas-relief : scène rituelle, un prêtre fait une libation devant un autel à quatre étages (à gauche), accompagné de trois personnes, dont la prêtresse Enheduanna en posture de prière (troisième personne en venant de la droite). By Zunkir – This file was derived from: Disk of Enheduanna.JPG:Auteur : Mefman00Modifications : image rognée, modification des contrastes., CC BY 4.0, [image #2] [image #3] [image #4] [image #5] [image #6] [image #7] [image #8] [image #9] [image #10] [image #11] [image #12] [Final image] : Vajravarahi: By Mandala_of_Vajravarahi.JPG: Anonymous – Tibetanderivative work: Redtigerxyz (talk) – Mandala_of_Vajravarahi.JPG, Public Domain,
wants us to revisit her with regard to her connection to the Thermodon
Amazons to assist us with strengthening the Solar Plexus and our
personal power.
We will build our personal power in a balanced way–not over or under
expressing it–especially now, in the glow of the cosmic balance of the
Equinox– when Day and Night are equal!
Plus she has something special related to sound, which is our theme this week!
Artemis, is not a Greek name. She has pre-Greek origins and was
absorbed into Greek culture becoming one of the most popular deities.
Copies of her cult statue have been excavated all over the Roman Empire.
It is said that the Thermodon Amazons created the original temple at
Ephesus (eastern Turkey) ‘under an oak tree’, sacred to Artemis, before
700 BCE. They came from northern Turkey on the southern shores of the
black Sea.
Her multi-breasted cultic statue, also known as Ephesian
Artemis, highlights her life-giving Mother Goddess aspect and all the
animals and insects in relief on the statue reflect her title as ‘Mistress of the Animals.’
In fact, I chose this copy of her ‘Ephesian’ statue because the Zodiac appears above her breast area– enhancing her cosmic connection to animals and life.
Artemis and Bees
On many of the copies of the Ephesian Artemis, we see several bees on both sides.
Rigoglioso goes into extensive detail about the significance of bees and
how they are a parthenogenetic symbol as they were understood, in
antiquity, to be “chaste” and born spontaneously from flowers or the
carcasses of bulls.
[Closeup of Bee on Artemis statue;]
Biologically speaking, she notes that bees are partially parthenogenetic, meaning that the queen bee can produce male drones without having ‘sex’.
She produces female worker bees when she has sex with a male- which they accomplish in mid-air, no less! Truth is stranger than fiction!!
[Western Honey Bee, Public Domain,]
found in connection to Ephesian Artemis worship– she is represented
with insect wings and the body of the bee, dating as far back as the 7th
or 8th century BCE.
[Gold plaques embossed with winged bee goddesses, found at Camiros, Rhodes, dated to 7th century BCE By Unknown artist – Jastrow (2006), Public Domain,]
Bees were also associated with the Egyptian Goddess Neith who we learned was a parthenogenetic Goddess and was also associated with the Libyan Amazons.
Artemis’ Nymphs as Virgin Amazon/Warriors
In this picture, we switch to Greek Artemis (also known as Diana by the Romans) – she is commonly depicted with a bow, quiver, arrows or spear.
Like Athena, she held the title Parthenos, Virgin.
She was named “Virgin of Profuse Arrows” as well as “Revered Virgin.”
She is the huntress and patron Goddess of the Amazons and insisted that
her nymphs be chaste.
Rigoglioso shows that this requirement of virginity was because ‘
“nymph” was in many cases a marker for divine birth priestess, a holy parthenos.’
Nymphs were also in many cases, athletes and hunters who accompanied
Artemis on her hunting trips like Amazons and enjoyed footraces.
They also joined her in her bath in the wild, and performed circle dances with her, singing her praises.
[ Diana Versailles, By Commonists – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,]
Artemis: Goddess of Nymph Song & Dance
Artemis loves to dance and sing!
Virgil says, she ‘foots the dance’ and has a thousand mountain nymphs weaving a constellation around her, ‘who in grace of movement excels all goddesses.’
In the Iliad, Homer calls her ‘the sounding one’, or ‘clamorous’ Artemis, ‘dancing in the choir’ among the nymphs.
(Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite 19) Artemis…’loves the lyre and dancing and thrilling cries.’ Rigoglioso points
out that the ‘thrilling cry’ is the equivalent of ‘ululating’- which
you hear belly dancers do by moving the tongue back and forth while
sounding a high pitch tone.
(4.189.2) says that the Greek women learned how to make this cry from
the “Libyan women,” who emitted the sound ceremonially during religious
Depending on the intention of the ‘ululating’, it can also be as a war cry or a way to stimulate and motivate.
This ties Artemis to Neith and Athena and brings in the element of sound to build our personal power!
We will play with:
? ululating
? howling (at the moon!)
? buzzing bee ? sound
? humming
as alternative doorways to stimulate the Solar Plexus.
We’ll explore the Solar Plexus area through movement & meditation to:
?wake up the digestive organs
?bring more flow into the ribcage
?allow more ease of breath and sound.
?connect the Womb and the Solar Plexus
Of course there is so much more to say about ALL of this, so to read more, check out the blog. It’ll be updated sometime on Thursday 😉
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
I hope you’ll join us this Thursday, March 25th, 5-6:30 pm PT
If this is your first class, please come as my guest- just let me know you’d like to come!
If you’d like to invite friends, they can join here.
This is a practice, where the journey is more important than the destination.
Thursdays, 5-6:30 pm PT/ 8pm ET/ 10:00 am Sydney, AU
$15 for single // $50 for 4 classes/replays (save $10)
International folks can paypal US dollars to
USA folks can Venmo me: @Michelle-White-Hart
You will receive Zoom + Music link before class
Replay will come a few days later- lasts a few weeks
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions to make sure you have the tech sorted out.
[Mary Magdalene anoints Christ in Simon’s House, By Dieric Bouts – Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork, Public Domain,] [Saint Mary Magdalene with Red Egg–]
Mary Magdalene will kick us off as we shift into the Heart Chakra this month. Especially since this Thursday is “Holy Thursday”- the Thursday before Easter–it commemorates Jesus’ ‘Washing of the Feet’ of the Apostles before the Last Supper.
We are going to alter the schedule and do Trance Scent Dance this week instead of next, because MM is the heart and soul of Easter and perhaps the inspiration of Jesus’ ‘Washing of the Feet’ because she washed his feet a few days before.
[Orthodox icon of Christ washing the feet of the Apostles (16th century, Pskov school of iconography).By anonimous – Own work, Public Domain,]
Typical, Mary Mag, right? Breaking all the rules! She challenged heavy patriarchal views of women, back in the day and has patiently put up with being called a penitent prostitute for 2 millennia and counting!
It was VERY uncommon for women to travel without chaperones or husbands and yet she and other women managed to travel as holy women with Jesus. He was very cool that way.
She was likely married to Jesus, though that is a very controversial statement to many, but whether they were married or not, I do believe they shared the deepest of love, deep enough to make you cry.
And as a woman of means, she was said to have partially funded his ministry. But it was because of her devotion to the path, that she was his favorite and is known as the ‘apostle of the apostles.’
Mary Magdalene as a Scent Priestess:
[Christ in the House of Simon, by Dieric Bouts, 1440s By Dieric Bouts – Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork, Public Domain,]
Her act of anointing Jesus was also met with a lot of disapproval. In this painting, she anoints Jesus’ feet with a whole jar of Spikenard oil.
When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked. “This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor.” Jesus said to them, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you,but you will not always have me.”
Actually I love how Jesus is seemingly so ‘politically incorrect’ here and is totally cool with being lavished with this expensive oil (worth 11 months of wages!) and not giving it to the poor! I’d say he had good self-care boundaries! But there is a deeper meaning here than self-care 😉
[Mary Magdalene is traditionally depicted with a vessel of ointment, in reference to the Anointing of Jesus.By Jan van Scorel – The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202., Public Domain,]
He continues: “When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” Matthew 26:6–13
Jesus is trying to emphasize the significance of this sacred act.
“To be anointed with oil higher than being immersed in water. It is when we are anointed, not when we are immesed in water, that we become Christians. Christ was celled Messiah because of this: he is “the anointed one.”– The Gospel of Philip
[the Magdalene is shown here transferring the ointment from a maiolica pharmacy jar to a smaller vessel. the artist has represented the Magdalene in a style influenced by the works of Leonardo da Vinci, By Andrea Solari – Walters Art Museum: Home page Info about artwork, Public Domain,]
Even Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1958 involved anointing which was considered so holy, it was the only part of the ceremony where the cameras shut off.
Jean Yves Leloup, a french scholar, explains “that Mary Magdalene walked the path of the sacred marriage. She demonstrates with her actions that she had become a bridge between the worlds.
This act of anointing Christ’s body couldn’t have happened with just anyone. The fact that Mary was the one to have anointed Christ is a fact that marks her profound significance.” [Wattersen, p.200]
And that’s why Jesus stands up to the disapproval of the apostles and emphatically makes the point, “what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
[Mary Magdalene (early 1500s) by Ambrosius Benson, By Ambrosius Benson – 1. Web Gallery of Art: Image Info about artwork2. Lukas – Art in Flanders VZW, Public Domain,]
This anointing practice would have been part of her knowledge as a ‘myrrhophore’, a scent priestess, trained in the temple of Isis in Egypt.
Leloup believes “that Mary Magdalen understands how to master the transition to death… whose unguents were used to achieve the transition over the threshold of death while retaining consciousness.” [Wattersen, p.200]
So she’s actually preparing him for his ascension. And that’s why she uses so much oil!
The traditional way of portraying MM throughout history, is with a vessel of holy oil, that comes in all shapes and sizes, reinforcing her identity as a Scent Priestess.
Though she would not have been redhead and fair-skinned, being darker skinned and more traditional Israeli looking, these paintings were in code. Including the vessel in Renaissance style paintings was a way to preserve the significance being a Scent Priestess who anointed Jesus.
As Megan Wattersen says, “Anointing is still the most sacrd aspect of ritual in the Christian tradition. But we have forgotten the memory of the woman who made it sacred.” [p.201]
Though it was common at that time and also in Egypt to prepare a body for burial by washing it and anointing it with spikenard, myrrh and aloes, Mary Magdalen anoints Jesus extensively with spikenard a few days, or possibly a weekbeforehe was to die.
I am grateful to Luisa’s blog f where she adds: ‘It is not a “sweet” smelling oil, but it was a smell many of the people at that time would associate with death.’
Which is also why they would be annoyed with her because she poured a whole pound of spikenard on his feet and the aroma must have been super thick, filling the whole room, and you would not be able to avoid the reason why, so asking “why this waste?” is missing the point, probably intentionally.
Luisa speaks to the emotional aspect as well: ‘it was a very deliberate act by a woman that understood Jesus’ message while many of the disciples were in denial about his impending death. She was the only one in that room that got it and the only one that was willing to enter into the suffering with Jesus.‘
The story says her tears fell on his feet as she rubbed the oil onto them with her hands and her hair. A pound of this ‘nard’ ointment or thick oil would have been much more than enough to cover his feet.
The feet are the quickest way for the oil to enter the bloodstream and soothe the nervous system. And the fact that she uses her hair to wipe up the excess shows great intimacy, humility, and an efficient way not to waste the oil and to receive the benefit of the oil herself, joining them in this holy, transformational rite.
Luisa also points out that, “Today, while in hospice care, caregivers will use spikenard to help patients emotionally transition from life to death. Spikenard has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety and therefore calm both body and mind… “
That she has her hair down, shows her comfort in his presence. It was unusual for women in Jewish culture to be seen with their hair down, let along covered in oil.
Being immersed in this holy oil, may have enhanced the altered, sacred and emotional state she was in to perform this bittersweet, yet holiest of rites.
And that she performs it in front of the men also shows her non-attachment to what they might think. There is an unapologetic, uncensored public expression of love and devotion for this man as befitting the high priestess that she is.
Wattersen says, “Anointing…in its original context, was the act of consciously acknowledging that the physical body passes away, but the soul within the body does not. [Cynthia] Bourgeault believes that, “To reclaim anointing in its original context would make it the sacramental centerpiece of a whole new vision of Christianity based on spiritual transformation and the alchemy of love.”
And so it is! We will anoint ourselves in the spirit of spiritual transformation and the alchemy of love!
Mary Magdalen is the ultimate poster child for ‘resurrecting the heart’ and opening to Love!
Are you crying yet, or is it just me?
Heart chakra oils
Oils to help soothe and open the heart:
Ylang Ylang
If you do a search online you will find various other oils as well. Trust your instinct and pick one you already have that you are drawn to for this practice. We will also be working with connecting the womb and the heart which is a practice that also connects to Mary Magdalene as a Womb Shamanka!
More to be revealed on that subject, in the future!
Mary Magdalene as Apostle of the Apostles and author of a secret Gospel
I have to add if you don’t already know, that Mary Magdalene was:
at the crucifixion– not hiding out like the apostles who were afraid to get arrested; she was beyond brave and bold to bare the brutality!
at the burial– where she helped wash Jesus’ body and anoint him as was the custom
at the empty tomb– alone, waiting in the dark
first to witness his resurrection– this is a skill, not just a coincidence
“Mary Magdalene was the one Christ resurrected to.“
[Appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene after resurrection, Alexander Ivanov, 1835 By Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov – [1], Public Domain,]
Megan Wattersen continues, ” In the Gospel of of John, Christ gives Mary Magdalene special instructions and commissions her to be the one to announce the good news. Her. She is the one he chooses… Mary’s status as the apostle to the apostles also comes from this moment… Without her capacity to receive this vision of Christ from within her, to see that he had risen, the apostles would not have become apostles themselves”
MM wrote her own Gospel! It was found among a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945. Megan Wattersen has analyzed it in her very personable yet scholarly based, ‘Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet.’
She says, “The Gospel of Mary Magdalene confirms that Mary had gone through a process that allowed her to “see” Christ from within her. She could receive a vision of him. And the fact that Mary can see Christ, according to her gospel, is the proof that she has become “a child of true humanity,” the anthropos, fully human, and fully divine.”
As I understand this, Mary Magdalene has learned to embody her soul. Which, in my humble opinion, is what we are doing in our practice of embodying our womb which is a direct portal to the soul and cultivating the channel between the heart and the womb. This is one way among others to do this! What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Have anything to add? I’d love to know!
Megan continues eloquently and movingly about the quality of love that MM embodies: “I’ve imagined that this meeting she has with him takes place not because of sight but because of vision. I think she could perceive him with a spiritual aperture that exists only in the heart.” Is that stunning, or what?
Christ with Martha and Mary (1886) by Henryk Siemiradzki,
She goes on: “It’s a re-education to see Mary Magdalene as an apostle, as a beloved disciple of Christ considered worthy enough… to come to her, in the dark, beyond death, because he knew she was the one who could see him with her heart.
It’s a re-education to think that Christ needed Mary’s love in order to resurrect, in order to be witnessed…
I love imagining that….his purpose was fulfilled because she was there to meet him. That he was only able to bridge heaven and earth because of the human love between them. I love to imagine that we might still have a love…to unearth, that has been age after age, making its way to the surface of our consciousness. A love that we are finally ready for.
A love that is as human as it is divine.” [p.112]
I don’t know if it’s MM or Megan’s words or the Spikenard or the accumulation of having worked on the first three chakras or all the personal work I’ve been doing, but my heart is feeling a pang for this embodied love. Just a glimpse but a glimpse nonetheless. I’ve teared up quite a bit putting this all together. And I think it’s a good thing. I hope it’s not overkill for you. I was going to put some of it on the blog, but I didn’t want you to miss any of it, because I think it’s so potent.
Mary Magdalen and the Red Egg
Saint Mary Magdalene
I have seen MM with a white egg and understood it to mean new life and
left it at that. And it is also a Pagan symbol of Spring and renewal,
for sure.
But when I saw her with the red egg, I gasped! Is this a sign of blood
mysteries and divine birth? I have read that MM participated in Light
Conception and birthed her daughter Sarah. I won’t go into here but I
thought maybe this Red Egg was a modern day clue of that ancient
The story of MM and the red egg is not included in the Bible but it is part of early Christian historical tradition.
Per Gretchen Filz,“Historically, Christians fasted from eggs (and all animal products) during Lent.”
Even my Catholic grandmother did, back in the day.
“When Easter approached, Christians would place their eggs, and
other delectable foods that were abstained from during Lent, into a
basket to take to the church for the priest to bless the foods they
would eat during the Easter feast. This custom is still practiced today
in the Eastern churches, and this is the origin of the Easter egg
[Red-coloured Easter egg with Christian cross, from the Saint Kosmas Aitolos Greek Orthodox Monastery By ΙΣΧΣΝΙΚΑ-888 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,]
to tradition, after Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, the Magdalene—a
wealthy woman of some importance—boldly presented herself to the Emperor
Tiberius Caesar in Rome to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
with an egg in hand to illustrate her message.
the egg out to him, she exclaimed for the first time what is now the
universal Easter proclamation among Christians, “Christ is risen!”
Red coloured Easter eggs,By Tony Esopi, CC BY-SA 3.0,
The emperor, mocking her, said that Jesus had no more risen than the egg in her hand was red. Immediately, the egg turned red as a sign from God to illustrate the truth of her message. The Emperor then heeded her complaints about Pilate condemning an innocent man to death, and had Pilate removed from Jerusalem under imperial displeasure.”
Now that is Red Egg Power! Eh?
I see blood and divine conception when I see these red eggs. And they make me happy! More to unearth around Mary Magdalene being part of a lineage of Red Robed Priestesses of the Rose, a Womb Shamanka well versed in the Blood Masteries, and an adept of Light Conception!
In the meantime, lets dive into the actual practice of embodying the womb and the heart!! Bring your oil of choice and we’ll dive into Trance-Scent-Dance and connect to MM as a Scent Priestess!
I hope you’ll join us for Womb Power, this Thursday, April 1st, ( this is no April Fool’s joke!) 5-6:30pm PT.
First Class is FREE! (**Let me know via respond to this email or text me: 310-795-2408- at least 2 hours before class so I can send you the Zoom + Music links
The Meditation & Movement portion is now 75 minutes long- to make sure we experience all of these juicy inner connections! And the sharing circle is 15 minutes, to help you integrate your experience.
This is your laboratory to explore energetically and through movement, your heart and womb and rest of your beautiful body and your unique movement.
You get to go at your own pace and take whatever guidance that fits and move the way your body wants to move in each moment.
Join us for Womb Power ! No previous womb awareness or movement experience necessary. This is an embodiment practice that deepens with time and there is nothing you have to feel- your body will experience something different and unique every time.This is a practice, where the journey is more important than the destination.
To the evolution of your womb!
PS If you’d like to invite friends– please do – first class is free-they just need to sign up here
Artemis’s connection to the Thermodon Amazons will assist us with strengthening the Solar Plexus and our personal power.
We will build our personal power in a balanced way–not over or under expressing it–especially now, in the glow of the cosmic balance of the Equinox– when Day and Night are equal!
Plus she has something special related to sound, which is our theme this week!
Artemis, is not a Greek name. She has pre-Greek origins and was absorbed into Greek culture becoming one of the most popular deities. Copies of her cult statue have been excavated all over the Roman Empire.
It is said that the Thermodon Amazons created the original temple at Ephesus (eastern Turkey) ‘under an oak tree’, sacred to Artemis, before 700 BCE. They came from northern Turkey on the southern shores of the black Sea.
Her multi-breasted cultic statue, also known as Ephesian
Artemis, highlights her life-giving Mother Goddess aspect and all the
animals and insects in relief on the statue reflect her title as ‘Mistress of the Animals.’
In fact, I chose this copy of her ‘Ephesian’ statue because the Zodiac appears above her breast area– enhancing her cosmic connection to animals and life.
Artemis and Bees
[Closeup of Bee on Artemis statue;]
On many of the copies of the Ephesian Artemis, we see several bees on both sides.
Marguerite Rigoglioso goes into extensive detail about the significance of bees and how they are a parthenogenetic symbol as they were understood, in antiquity, to be “chaste” and born spontaneously from flowers or the carcasses of bulls. (Cult of Divine Birth)
[Western Honey Bee, Public Domain,]
Biologically speaking, she notes that bees are partially parthenogenetic, meaning that the queen bee can produce male drones without having ‘sex’.
She produces female worker bees when she has sex with a male- which they accomplish in mid-air, no less! Truth is stranger than fiction!!
[Gold plaques embossed with winged bee goddesses, found at Camiros, Rhodes, dated to 7th century BCE By Unknown artist – Jastrow (2006), Public Domain,]
Also found in connection to Ephesian Artemis worship– she is represented with insect wings and the body of the bee, dating as far back as the 7th or 8th century BCE.
Bees were also associated with the Egyptian Goddess Neith who we learned was a parthenogenetic Goddess and was also associated with the Libyan Amazons.
Artemis’ Nymphs as Virgin Amazon/Warriors
[ Diana Versailles, By Commonists – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,]
In this picture, we switch to Greek Artemis (also known as Diana by the Romans) – she is commonly depicted with a bow, quiver, arrows or spear.
Like Athena, she held the title Parthenos, Virgin. She was named “Virgin of Profuse Arrows” as well as “Revered Virgin.” She is the huntress and patron Goddess of the Amazons and insisted that her nymphs be chaste.
Rigoglioso shows that this requirement of virginity was because ‘ “nymph” was in many cases a marker for divine birth priestess, a holy parthenos.’ Nymphs were also in many cases, athletes and hunters who accompanied Artemis on her hunting trips like Amazons and enjoyed footraces.
They also joined her in her bath in the wild, and performed circle dances with her, singing her praises.
Artemis: Goddess of Nymph Song & Dance
Artemis loves to dance and sing!
Virgil says, she ‘foots the dance’ and has a thousand mountain nymphs weaving a constellation around her, ‘who in grace of movement excels all goddesses.’
In the Iliad, Homer calls her ‘the sounding one’, or ‘clamorous’ Artemis, ‘dancing in the choir’ among the nymphs.
(Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite 19) Artemis…’loves the lyre and dancing and thrilling cries.’ Rigoglioso points out that the ‘thrilling cry’ is the equivalent of ‘ululating’- which you hear belly dancers do by moving the tongue back and forth while sounding a high pitch tone.
“Herodotus (4.189.2) says that the Greek women learned how to make this cry from the “Libyan women,” who emitted the sound ceremonially during religious rituals.” Depending on the intention of the ‘ululating’, it may have also been used as a war cry or a way to stimulate and motivate.
This ties Artemis to Neith and Athena and brings in the element of sound to build our personal power!
We will play with: ? ululating ? howling (at the moon!) ? buzzing bee sound ? humming
as alternative doorways to stimulate the Solar Plexus.
We’ll explore the Solar Plexus area: ?wake up the digestive organs ?bring more flow into the ribcage ?allow more ease of breath and sound. ?connect the Womb and the Solar Plexus
I hope you’ll join us this, Thursday March 25th, 5-6:30 pm PT.
?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?????, ?????? ???? ?? ?? ?????- just let me know you’d like to come!
If you’d like to invite friends, they can join here.
This is a practice, where the journey is more important than the destination. Thursdays at 5pm-6:30 PT / 8pm ET/ 10:00 am Sydney, AU— $15 for single // $50 for 4 classes/replays- (save $10) International: paypal US dollars to USA Venmo me: @Michelle-White-Hart
You will receive Zoom + Music link before class Replay will come a few days later- lasts a few weeks Feel free to contact me if you have any questions to make sure you have the tech sorted out 😉
Pele is all about Passion, Power and Transformation.
Goddess Pele [PELEHONUAMEA by Herb Kane,;]
Pele is the Goddess of Fire, Lightning, Wind, Hula and Volcanoes in indigenous Hawaiian mythology. She is also known as Pelehonuamea, “She who shapes the sacred land” – with her molten lava she both destroys and creates land.
Are you digging on her Creatrix/Destroyer energy, reminiscent of our dearest bad ass Inanna/Ishtar? As well as Neith and Athena? (Are you getting where this might be going yet? Hang with me for a moment. )
Pele’s transformational power links the first three chakras:
her fiery, volcanic energy represents the Solar Plexus
her flowing lava reflects the sensual Sacral Chakra
her hardened lava reflects the earth and grounding of the Root Chakra.
With Pele’s transformational inspiration:
We will feel and move between the first 3 chakras to further integrate and strengthen this foundational power house that fuels the whole body.
The safety and grounding of the first chakra allows the Sacral Chakra to open and further allow Shakti energy to flow which nudges the fire of the Solar Plexus to ignite and steam the water of the Sacral chakra so you can:
* bring passion into your relationships * transform your creative projects into form * digest emotion and liberate yourself * transform low self esteem into confidence * self-conceive yourself into your empowered self
Sacred Geometry Focus:
[The Sun, as seen from low Earth orbit overlooking the International Space Station By NASA – Image uploaded as ISS028-E-005671., Public Domain,]
To deepen our connection to and activate these first 3 chakras, we will access the energy radiating spherically around each chakra, like the solar energy does all around the sun, and focus on specific points, like the:
* perineum * cervix * center of the womb * 2 ovaries * point that is 2 inches above the belly button
Though we are 3 dimensional beings (moving to the 5th Dimension!) we tend to forget that each point in our body emanates energy spherically around itself.
It’s definitely a mind-bender to start to explore and feel that spherical energy from each point and to then expand it as we lengthen and move! But it is a total game changer to build energy and create tremendous space in the body (and to help relieve pain.)
I will break it down so that it is doable and not overwhelming. We will work with this incrementally, step by step.
This is not for the uncommitted! This is totally warrior training and we will revisit it often as it is a great step to expanding your ability to work with your energy field within and around you.
Are you up for the challenge?
Regardless of how well you can do this, or choose to focus on this in class is not important. Come and feel the sensations in your body and connect to these first three chakras- that is plenty! The more you feel, the more you awaken your chakras, and allow energy to move through them.
The invitation is always open to take class the way it is best for you. But I do like to challenge you even more if you are up for it! Feeling is challenge enough! Since we are not encouraged to do so, in general.
BACK to what I was hinting at above…..(not essential to read for Class! But if you’re curious, geek out with me!)
I’ve started to notice that the creatrix/destroyer qualities seem to be a marker for potential parthenogenesis.
According to legend, Pele lives in Halemaʻumaʻu of Kīlauea in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park; By Bonnie Shappell –, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Makes sense, since the ability to self-conceive life wields the power of life and death. Lo and behold, I have unearthed some intriguing inklings of parthenogenesis in Pele.
Surprised? Not! Stick with me, and you’ll start recognizing them yourself– they seem to be tucked away in plain sight–everywhere!
Clue #1: When I first read of Pele, only her mother, Haumea, was named. Haumea is the goddess of Fertility and Childbirth, no less, and with no mention of Dad… sure sign of the big ‘P.’ But as I read on, in different myths, she has different fathers.
Often in myths, a father’s name is mentioned but it’s like an after thought- if they have no other part to play in the myth, it’s likely a patriarchal overlay inserted into a more recent version of the myth. This beckons us to imagine the older versions of the myths that were born in the matriarchal era of the culture. Hawaii like Polynesia (and most of the world, if not all of the world!) was originally a matriarchal culture.
Her father does play a part in Pele’s expulsion from Tahiti, but because he seems to have different names in different versions while, her mother, seems to be consistently named, for the most part, Hawmea–this may point to matriarchy rather than parthenogenesis.
Clue #2: In myths of Pele’s journey from Tahiti to Hawaii, Haumea entrusts an egg to Pele, to keep safe under her breast. After a life-threatening, treacherous journey to Hawaii, Hi’iaka, Pele’s younger sister is finally born, emerging from the egg.
Some myths state Hi’iaka was conceived by both Haumea and Kane, her alleged father, but as we are learning about patriarchal overlays, being born unusually, like from an egg, puts us on potential ‘P alert.’
In fact, Marguerite Rigoglioso mentions a similar ‘egg myth:’
“Into the Euphrates River, an egg of wonderful size is said to have fallen, which the fish rolled to the bank. Doves sat on it, and when it was heated, it hatched out Venus [Ashtarte, the Syrian Aphrodite.]” Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 197 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.)
She believes, the myth “may be a vestige of a more ancient story in which [the Goddess] Dione-as-dove gave birth to Aphrodite in pure parthenogenetic fashion.”* (Where a Mother self-conceives a Daughter eg. Mohawks’ Sky Woman.) *Rigoglioso, Cult of Divine Birth, p.148
I had a feeling Aphrodite had some Parthenogenetic connections! This is an interesting egg story to compare with Hi’iaka, wouldn’t you say?
I, personally, find it interesting that Pele is the one to incubate the egg during a very long, harrowing journey from Tahiti all the way to Hawaii and then through the various Hawaiian islands where each time she tried to light a fire, her older sister, Namaka, chased her and tried to kill her! That she succeeds in keeping the egg safe enough to hatch is some extra strength super-power right there.
[Chromolithograph of the Hawaiian Islands 1899, By Rand McNally – Private collection, Public Domain,]
Hi’iake’s full name is, Hiʻiaka-i-ka-poli-o-Pele: “Embryo/Egg carried in the bosom of Pele”. It feels like this points to a hybrid, joint Mother/Daughter parthenogenetic process!
Clue #3: This is not really a parthenogenetic myth, however, it’s so wild and yoni-powered, that it has to be mentioned. Pele was in danger of being raped by the God, Kama-pua’a, who was half man, half boar. Not Pele’s brothers, but Kapa, her sister, senses Pele’s danger and responds by detaching her Vulva and sending it to the rescue!
Just as Kama-pua’a was about to pounce on Pele, he sees Kapa’s flying vulva – Kohe Lele (I coudn’t make this up even if I tried!) Kama-pua’a chases her Kohe Lele all the way from the big Island to Oahu where it crashed violently onto the island, with such force it created the enormous crater trapping the sex offender pig god in the center.
According to legend, Pele lives in Halemaʻumaʻu of Kīlauea in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
Now that Pele is safe, Kohe Lele returns back to Kapo! What a smart Yoni!
This is the legend of how the beautiful crater on Oahu was made. It was originally called Kohelepelepe, which means “labia minor” in Hawaiian, but since the missionaries arrived it is now known as Koko crater- which means blood!
Koko Crater from the Sea, By Eric Tessmer –, CC BY 2.0,]
Kapo’s Kohe Lele- is reminiscent of the Sheela Na Gigs in Ireland and sprinkled throughout Europe. The apotropeic power of the vulva for protection is the same though used differently. Kapo uses her vulva to protect Pele by seducing and mesmerizing and ultimately trapping her aggressor.
A 12th-century sheela na gig on the church at Kilpeck, Herefordshire, England By The original uploader was Pryderi at English Wikipedia. – Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., CC BY-SA 3.0,
Whereas Sheela Na Gig’s were used to scare people away with the power of exposing the Vulva. More to be explored here.
La Fontaine plate illustrated By Charles Dominique Joseph Eisen 1762-, Public Domain,
Conclusion: Most of the myths involve Pele and her sisters and the brothers are are not as highlighted. All of these clues may not prove Parthenogenesis, but they do show a strong matriarchal imprint. Not to say the brothers should not be mentioned more but it is refreshing that the women are very much in the foreground, unlike women in later versions of Greek myths.
Though Pele escaped from rape thanks to Kapo’s yoni power, unlike the many victims of rape in later patriarchal Greek myths, it is definitely a sign that patriarchy starts to move into Hawaiian mythology.
There are many more interesting myths involving Pele and her sisters! The themes of fertility, sexuality, dance, anointing, herbal medicine, and magic seem to abound which reflects the veneration of matriarchal values. Though not entirely surprising, given the softness and nature-filled lifestyle of Hawaii, but truly a delight to discover. I will add more as I do more research in the future.
I look forward to embracing Pele’s transformational power as we deepen into the first 3 chakras and letting it dance through us in Womb Power!
I hope you’ll join us this, Thursday March 18th, 5-6:30 pm PT.