A Highly Condensed, Rocky History of the Clit.

Ever wondered why it took so long

to learn that the Clitoris is much larger than it’s small external glans? (And why so many women don’t know much about their sexual organs? Or how to orgasm for that matter?)

I offer you, ‘A Highly Condensed, Rocky History of the Clit.’

As far back as 150 AD,

the clit gets hinted at but downplayed as an ???????? ????? by Claudius Galen, a Greek physician/philosopher in the Roman Empire.

Then we jump to 1486

where it is called the ‘?????’? ????’ in the ??????? ????????????, a treatise for catching and killing witches. Charming, eh?

Then in 1559

Renaldus Columbus calls it ‘??? ???? ?? ????????? ?? ?????,’ saying it was ‘???-????????? ??? ???? ?? ?????’? ???????.’ Things are finally looking up for the clit! Woot!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


In 1844, the first accurate diagram

?? ??? ???????? (??? ????????) ???????? is drawn by German anatomist, ????? ??????. As you can see, it’s much bigger internally than most know! (I only found this out in the early 90s- thanks to ‘A New View of a Woman’s Body’-see below.)

Nice work, Georg!

I’ve colored and labeled it to make it easier to identify the internal parts in addition to the external glans aka ‘magic button.’⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Then in 1904, Freud has to go and give the clit a bad rap,

saying a clitoral orgasm is for kids and a mature orgasm occurs in the vagina…. without realizing that the Bulb of Vestibule and Corpus Cavernosum of ??? ???????? ???? ?????????? ?? ? ??????? ??????! Oy!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

By Henry Gray - Bartleby, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30913022

In 1947, to add insult to injury,

the 25th edition of ????’? ???????, ?????? ??? ????, after including it since ????! ????!⠀⠀

It has been said that Freud and others were influencing how people saw the clitoris as unimportant as it was ‘merely for pleasure,’ unlike the uterus which was for reproduction- therefore ‘purposeful!’

The Glans of the Clitoris, by the way, has 8,000 nerve endings as compared to the penis which has half of that.

Hmmmm…. could Freud have been jealous???

Kinsey in 1953 and Masters & Johnson in 1966

reinstate the clitoris’ importance in sex- yay! Sexologists and the social justice movements of the ????’? rise up to ???? ?????’? ???????????? ?? ??? ???????? ??????. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

In 1981, Suzann Gage

writes that she and a group of feminists, ‘???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ??? ???? ????????? ??????? ?????’ and found missing parts of the clitoris!

They even observed themselves during orgasm and with meticulous analysis, Suzann drew the most comprehensive, set of ?? ????-???????? ???????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ???????? ???????? ?? “? ??? ???? ?? ? ?????’? ????”!!

It is a must-read, women’s self-empowerment, educational treasure!! Fingers crossed, stay tuned for a possible interview with Suzann Gage.


Alas, these 33 seminal drawings

were not taken seriously by the medical community. Fortunately, in ????, Australian Urologist, Helen O’Connell dissects and produces ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????????!

This image is neither Suzann’s nor Helen’s but is helpful in showing where the Clitoris lies in the body- it’s the green organ.

Suzann’s images are so much more life-like and humane and easier to relate to and learn from as she used real women as models and included idiosyncratic details.

I would go so far as to say as they transmit a sense of embodiment, because real women were embodying themselves while posing for Suzann.

This makes the drawings so much more user-friendly and sure beats the sterility and generic quality of standard anatomical diagrams.

This ‘Highly Condensed, Rocky History

of the Clit’ was shared 64 times on Facebook! (That’s a record for me, folks! And I’ll take it!) So, I do believe it’s important to women to know the history of the various parts of their sexual anatomy.

The more we know and feel and embody our sexual anatomy, the more we have access to our Sacred Feminine Energy and our true power to manifest in our life.⠀⠀


You may be thinking, ‘Gee, that’s fascinating

??? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ??????????, ???????? ???????’ ⠀ Well, stay tuned for a ????? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? ??????! As well as a part 2 of the “Highly Condensed, Rocky History of the Clit.”

If you’d like to be sure to receive notifications of posts like this- please sign up at the top of the page! Would love to have you with us on this ever- unfolding, exciting journey!

V-St(R)eam #3: squatting & child’s pose!!

So it’s official!  I announced onV-St(R)eam #2 that I was going to make this an ongoing show- Thursdays 10 or 11 am PT!

In this 3rd V-St(R)eam, I demonstrate a very simple way to V-steam without the use of a V-steam chair, or Yoni Sauna or toilet!  The benefit, in addition to simplicity, is that you get the benefit of squatting which helps relax and lengthen the pelvic floor muscles which helps create a happy, reslient yoni!  Win Win!  Check it out!

All you need is a bowl- I use a very special ceramic bowl that has a ceremonial meaning to me.

It is handmade by my mother and it is thicker than most bowls. It’s not thrown on a pottery wheel. She used a slab roller and that’s why it’s thick and very ‘imperfect’ looking- which makes it all the more special to me. The thickness and heaviness lends itself perfectly for squatting and sitting on the edge if you need a little break from squatting! It’s a smooth, wide edge so it’s comfortable and the height is perfect.

This dual purpose style of V-steaming is not widely shared but I’m guessing is far closer to how it’s done by indigenous women all over the world currently and how it was done in ancient times.  It feels like it’s creating a deeper portal to the womb and more shamanic as a result.

Please let me know how it works for you.  And I will be sharing my experiences as I continue to explore the squatting positiong as well as the child’s pose position which is deeply relaxing and meditative.

I’m utterly thrilled to have tapped into this method and I thank Sama Morningstar for suggesting it to me as a way of healing vaginismus- which is an overly tight vagina which inhibits intercourse.  So in combination with the steam softening the muscles, the relaxing and lengthening  from the squatting can accelerate healing this condition and restore more sexual pleasure. Win Win Win!

V-St(R)eam #2: It’s official! Welcome to the new show!

Well, the hemp oil really helped me chill so I decided to “V-St(R)eam” again on Facebook Live!!  And I’m inspired to V-St(R)eam regularly to really help spread this incredible healing practice further and farther!

In this 2nd episode of V-St(R)eaming, I share the brilliant Womb Healer Marcia Lopez’s statement that:  “V-Steaming won’t heal Everything (though it does heal A LOT!!) but it WILL CHANGE your life!”  And I couldn’t agree with her more.

I will share many ways in which V-Steaming can CHANGE your life in each episode!  Join me live, Thursdays 11amPT and V-Steam with me!! I’ll also be V-St(R)emaing spontaneously at other random times during the week 😉

I will be interviewing Marcia Lopez and many other amazing leaders who are reclaiming  Sacred Feminine Power!

If you’d like to be on the cutting edge of this incredible Sacred Feminine Power Awakening, hop onto my mailing list and find out who I’ll be interviewing, and what resources I’ll be sharing each week –  click here!

The inaugural, first episode of V-St(R)eaming can be accessed here.

And to learn about how and the benefits of squatting and child’s pose during V=steaming, check out V-st(R)eam #3!

If you have any questions or comments about V-Steaming, Sacred Feminine Power and beyond, please post below!  Lets do this together!!  If you’d like to contribute to the conversation and be interviewed, please reach out to me: michelle@michellewhitehart.com I”m excited to spread this message with your unique perspective!


Did I really just V-steam on Facebook Live??🙀

V-steam + Facebook Live(stream) = V-St(r)eaming!!!

Oh yes, I did!  Check me out!!

It was a little edgy, I admit… when you think about it…. But the hemp oil was so relaxing, I really didn’t think twice about it!

But whyyyyy did you do that?  Something so sacred and intimate…. on Facebook Live???!!!

Because I’m on a mission to ‘normalize’ V-steaming!

Actually….. drumroll please….

I”m on a mission to ‘normalize’ and awaken Sacred Feminine Power!

— aka normalize embodying your yoni/pussy/vulva… you get the picture… which includes your womb!

While women are V-steaming all over Youtube, and I am so grateful they are, because they’re the reason I even know about V-steaming, let alone HOW to V-steam!!

I decided someone had to start V-steaming on Facebook!!  It’s more intimate,  it’s LIVE, and it’s REALLY VISIBLE ….and it had to be done.

So I made it as matter of fact as I could!   What do you think?!!

Is it too edgy?

Do you think it’s helping womankind?

Is it piquing your curiosity to try it out for yourself?

Are you V-steaming already?

Do you feel a little trepidatious trying this out on your own?

I’m oh so curious!  Please let me know in the comments below!  I would so appreciate it!

If you comment, I’ll be your best friend!! 

Ha! Actually, if you comment, I’ll send you a video  that goes into greater depth about the spiritual, trauma healing aspect of V-steaming!


Self-Compassion vs Confidence + Free Self-Compassion Meditation!

Hope you’re enjoying 2018!! I was so inspired by Self-Compassion that I made a video about why it is even more valuable than Self-Confidence !!

And before the video, I recorded a powerful body-based, Self-Compassion Meditation. It was so relaxing and helped me connect so deeply to myself and my desire to share about Self-Compassion, that it made shooting the video such a pleasure and fun! So I’d like to offer you this practice!

I’d love to know how it works for you! Please comment or send me an email at: michelle@michellewhitehart.com

Being in a heightened state of Self-Compassion makes me almost feel like I’m still in Maui!! It feels magical! (Though, not always!)

I manifested an amazing work/holiday in Maui over Christmas and I’m tapping into that field of deep regeneration plus healthy generating!!  It’s a total win win!

While I was on Maui, I spent some magical time with a colleague and dear friend, Leerone Milstein, creatrix of Luminous Mapmakers, who has cultivated a deep practice of self-compassion and I got a deep transmission from her.  (She’s the one who took this fun pic of me in the jungle, on the road to Hana!)

Ironically, the day I got home, I landed on a NY Times  article about how  self-compassion might be even more useful than confidence since self-compassion organically creates, natural, un-forced self-confidence.

Just saying the word ‘Self-Compassion’ eases my nervous system. 

So I decided to make Self-Compassion my number one desire for 2018.   I know it’s going to be a game changer!!

When you have self-compassion, you are kinder to yourself and you are more willing to learn from your mistakes and get back on the horse more easily.

This Body-based meditation will also totally help you get out of judgement and into really liking yourself, which will allow you to enjoy being authentically YOU on video!!

So you get multiple benefits with this practice!!

Please comment below on how it’s working for you!! I’d love to know!

Wishing you an AMAZING New Year!

May 2018 bring you deep, soul-nuturing self-compassion so you can share yourself easily and with great joy!!