A lot of HSPs– Highly Sensitive-Preneurs– felt empowered to start making videos!
That was thrilling to hear!
They felt like it was a little less daunting, in fact, downright doable!! I’m delighted, because HSPs have got magical, new-paradigm messages that the world is waiting to hear.
I hope you are feeling inspired too! So I made this video about it. (Above)
In this video, I share:
* Why Video is perfect for HSPs!
* How Video builds confidence
* How to feel Safe on Video
* How to deal with video freak out
* The difference between freaking out
and feeling the freak out
Check it out and let me know if you’re inspired to start sharing your sparkly magic on video!
Lets get HSPs un-invisible! You have magic to share!
P.S. Are you willing to feel your freak out so you can make awesome videos that transmit your sparkly, magical message?
This past weekend, I was at Marisa Murgatroyd’s “Message 2 Money” Live event- which was totally awesome– and I thought I’d make a slap-dash interview stylevideo in that positive energy field.
Especially since variety creates more engagement with your audience– so I do like to take advantage of being in a different environment with new people! And doing videos with another person is fun and easier than talking alone while people are milling around you- right?
I met some incredible people and decided to make a video with this one woman from Canada, Tara LeDuc, who had a great story about making a video even though she was really terrified.
(I’m partial to Canadians as I am one, myself!)
Tara is highly sensitive-preneur and an extrovert who was terrified of making videos. (Yes, they do exist!) This is a an inspiring story about what is possible, even when you’re totally winging it!
These heroic video stories, I feel, need to be told! They are hilarious and inspiring to those who are still getting the courage to make their first video!
This slap-dash interview-stylevideo is a great way to collaborate and promote each other to each other’s tribe!
It’s a fun way to make a video and share a slice of your life, when you’re at a live event and buzzing in the high energy, meeting new awesome peeps!
Tara (TaraLeDuc.com) wants to create world peace! How awesome is that??? Her story is hilarious and she tells you what she did to make a video- she has 2 great tips that are both hilarious and effective!
But you gotta watch the video to find out her technique to make the experience less stressful!!
And let her story inspire YOU to make a video- make it as less stressful as you can! And find the fun if you can 🙂
Please share your hilarious video story if you have one! How you overcame your terror around video, or anything else you are inspired to share about! Humour (Canadian spelling!) is infectious! (And it’s my answer to World Peace!)
“HSP” means Highly Sensitive Person– but I use the term for Highly Sensitive Preneurs! You’re highly intuitive and easily affected by the emotions of people around you and overwhelmed by loud & bright environments. Can high sensitivity affect you being visible in your business and making videos?
In this video, I touch on:
celebrating being a HSP!
why you may have visibility challenges if you’re HSP
how to make a video even if you’re tired
how to show up in integrity
how to trust your message and how you deliver it
harnessing your Highly sensitive gifts to build your business!
This is the first of many more videos exploring being:
highly sensitive,
a seemingly ‘unlikely’ leader
and how to use these qualities to your advantage in your business– by embracing the power of being visible– in a way that resonates in YOUR body and soul!
If you resonate with my embodied visibility message, chances are you have one or several of these qualities. And perhaps one or more of these qualities has felt like it holds you back.
Well, time to embrace these wonderful qualities and access your natural gifts that lie within of:
leadership and
To learn more about being a HSP– check out this incredible book by the psychologist who first discovered the highly sensitive personal trait!
This book will rock your world as you learn how being a HSP is totally awesome and important and that you and your message are very much needed!
Enjoying being a HSP will transform your business!
Like most transformational, highly-sensitive fem-preneur coaches, I still run into my pattern of hiding out in my Laptop Cave… I’m pleased to say that I don’t live there PERMANENTLY- anymore! But I sure was tempted to stay there!
I coasted and hid in the dark cozy caves of many a film editing room for 20+ years while I was working in the ‘biz.’
I sort of knew one day I would emerge and share MY message, but I wasn’t sure… I often judge myself on how long it took me, because it sure took me a while- 20+ years or so! But that was MY rhythm and MY timing- to get the courage to want more and follow my desire and belief that I could have more. Then I needed time to uncover the essence of my message of creating empowering images of women- which emerged from life experience of hiding and coasting!
And then I needed a coach who really saw what I had to offer and could help me feel safe in my body to take that giant step out of the cave. I am eternally grateful for her guidance.
As I embark on sharing my work around feeling safe to be visible in a more accelerated way, I’m feeling a little trepidatious. I’m feeling where my nervous system has gotten a little activated and my distraction pattern is kicking in. But as I’m determined to help highly sensitive coaches not get shut down and step through their visibility fears and shackles, I’m staying in motion and creating a doable goal, but a goal nonetheless and that alone can feel edgy and unsafe- especially when I share it out loud!
I’ve set a goal for myself of offering 10 “Dip Your Toe Into Video” Empowerment Sessions for the month of February to highly sensitive, transformational fem-preneur coaches who want to dip their toe into greater visibility and have some fun expressing themselves on video so that they can attract clients and make more money.
As I’m committed to not over push my energy like I used to, I need and would be so grateful for your help.
What motivates me? Because there are 10 million women-owned businesses in the United States alone and less than half of those earn more than 25K. I know what that’s like! It’s super stressful and super disheartening!
Many women are held back in their businesses by their harsh inner critics and fear of being seen. I want to improve those low statistics and teach women how to transform their visibility fears by simply Dipping their toe into video so that they can build successful, new paradigm businesses and fulfill their soul purpose!
I have moved through a ton of visibility fears and
made over 190 videos and
gotten over 64,000 views on Youtube!
With my 20 + years in the film industry and
15 years of somatic movement coaching,
I have helped hundreds of women dip their toe into video, feel safe to be seen and make money!
There are many, many transformational, fem-preneur coaches who doubt their gifts and feel like no one really gets what they do. They are intimidated by their own self-criticism of how they look and how they sound and they are hiding and scraping by. They are overwhelmed by Facebook, feel like they have nothing new to say: “so why bother?”—so they choose to lie low and hide in their Laptop Cave.
I cringe at the thought that they may never feel safe to take those first, tiny steps to expand their visibility and share their unique, important message.
Because if I can do it, they can do it!
That’s why I am committing to give 10 free “Dip Your Toe on Video” Empowerment sessions in the next 21 days!
These free empowerment sessions help women shift the fear that is straight-jacketing them and help them move incrementally, one step at a time to make videos and attract their soul clients.
So… Would you hold this vision for me of helping 10 women become more empowered and feel safe being a little more Visible?
And, if you know any transformational coach fem-preneurs who know they need to be visible are committed to feeling more safe being visible to grow their business in 2016, would you please share this with them?
I would LOVE to offer them a 30-minute complimentary “Dip Your Toe Into Video” Empowerment session and get them started on the path toward visibility empowerment in their business.
So what happens in these Free “Dip Your Toe Into Video” Empowerment Sessions?
In this private 30 minute session, I look at 3 main areas:
1. What are a transformational fem-preneur’s challenges when it comes to: being more visible, owning her message, making videos, being seen on Facebook, and attracting clients?
2. What would her life be like without these challenges?
3. I’ll give her my best recommendations to help her live a life without feeling straight-jacketed by her fear of being seen and feeling empowered and inspired to take some incremental, fun steps toward being more visible and attract her soul clients!
These recommendations have worked for many of my clients and I promise that she’ll be transformed from our short time together.
We’ll also take a few minutes to explore whether we would be a good fit to continue to work together. There is absolutely no pressure or strings attached… just a transformational conversation with someone who listens deeply, sees her Super Powers and believes that she can transform her fear of visibility into sharing her message and attracting her soul clients!
If you know someone who is ready, please encourage her to sign up right now for a Free “Dip Your Toe Into Video” Empowerment Session.
Thank you so much for assisting me in reaching my goal!! I can’t do this without you!!
To Your Expanded Visibility on Video and a Fulfilling Life!
Once you learn how to do very basic video editing, making videos gets way easier! Why? Because you don’t have to shoot tons of takes until you get it perfect. You can shoot a take and anything you mess up on, shoot that part over and edit the good pieces together.
The beauty of video editing on your iPhone is that you can shoot your video on your iPhone and then edit it right there without uploading to your computer.
The iMovie app makes editing FUN and super easy!
I remember learning how to edit on the iPhone with the iMovie app while I was waiting for a friend in the waiting room of a doctor’s office.
I had been resisting learning how to use the app, thinking it was going to be impossible to use because I had worked as a professional editor for 20 years and was used to editing on actual film or a computer!
I remember thinking, “How the heck can you edit on the iphone? This is ridiculous!”
It was kind of a blow to my ego that ANYONE could edit now! Not just ‘professional editors’ like me!
Luckily, I got over myself!
I couldn’t believe how easy it was to be fairly accurate and that I could edit right there with my headphones on! It was so much fun and felt like the best use of my time!
And the iMovie app comes free on every new iPhone. On the older iPhones (5 and earlier) it will cost you $4.99. Trust me, it’s worth it!
In this video I go over basic shooting and basic video editing to get you started. It will revolutionize making videos for your business!
It is so empowering to be able to edit your own business videos super quickly right on your iPhone. If you’re out and about, you can shoot the video, edit it and then upload directly to Youtube all from your iPhone. It is so streamlined!
Because this is my most popular video on Youtube– with 23, 390 views!— I will be making future videos on how to add music and titles really easily. Once you feel empowered to use the iMovie app, it’s really easy to figure everything out yourself.
Let me know if you are already using iMovie or have shied away from learning it. I am very curious!
And if you have any questions about how to use the iMovie app, post them in the comments below– I would be happy to answer them!
And do let me know if this revolutionizes making videos for you!
To your expanded visibility and thriving business!
I’m excited to share with you this video training on how to increase visibility easily. The more visible you are, the easier it is for your ideal clients to find you!
Making videos is not the only way to increase visibility!
You might find making videos is too visibility challenging for you, so what are some playful, easy steps to increase visibility?
Or you might be going through a visibility hangover from having been TOO visible and need some little visibility stretches to keep you from hiding and keep stretching you gently and ‘healing’ from all that visibility.
You dig?
I go through visibility hangovers all the time and when I want to stay in visibility ‘motion’ so I can integrate gently without shutting down completely – I play with these 3 fun ways to be visible.
Okay, to be totally transparent, I’d like to point out that I have ‘chicken arms’ in this video! Uggh!! And I didn’t know about this term until recently. I made a video about it last week if you want to learn how to get rid of those nasty chicken arms!
Let me know if you have some other suggestions on playful ways to increase your visibility! Leave a comment below, so we can all learn from each other!
I didn’t realize I was doing that with my arms until a few months ago! So guess what? Lots of my videos have chicken arms! Oops! Oh well!
So, moving right along…. in this video I teach a mindful movement practice that not only gets rid of those limp, nasty chicken arms but it helps you be more confident & magnetic in your videos!!
Though I felt really embarrassed when this speaker coach told me I had chicken arms in front of a group of people- ouch! I’m glad I know about it now because, now it motivates me to be more aware of my arms (and my body)– on video and on stage!
You would think that I automatically do this, having studied somatic movement for 14 years! Well the truth is, I am aware of my breath and how I’m feeling– which totally helps me ground and connect to my audience but I, too, can go a little unconscious with some parts of my body- like my arms!
And my neck can get a little locked as well, and my knees sometime. Can you relate? Next time you do a video, see if you can identify any parts of your body that you are ‘holding’ and not letting the energy flow through. This takes a little practice to become aware.
And the goal is not to be perfect! Your first step is to just use the mindful movement technique and becomemore aware of your body- that alone is a huge step to building this awareness muscle. Slowly but surely you’ll get more comfortable doing it and you’ll FEEL the difference as you talk and it will FEEL totally awesome!!
It’s easy to shift your posture so that your energy flows through your whole body.
This helps you to direct your energy to your audience and lets your message come through more confidently and more powerfully!
Find out out how simple it is to stop having chicken arms and be more magnetic in your Youtube videos!
I’d love to know how this is landing for you in the comments below! Does it make sense? Can you relate? Is it helpful?
Are you ready to have your mind blown? Well, I’m happy to blow it for you! I’m beyond EXCITED for you to join me on my ‘first’ Official Blabcast– at 1:11pm PT Wednesday, September 16th: “How is #Periscope enhancing your business?”
Whaaaaa? Not MORE social media!!
Before you zone out and go trim your toenails, hang with me on this!
I am here to introduce you to 2 new LIVE STREAMING VIDEO social media platforms that are definitely worth your precious attention.
And I’m going to make it really easy for you!
Just go to http://www.Blab.im to set up an account– or you can just watch as a ‘lurker’! 🙂 (You need a Twitter account to set up your Blab account if you want to participate!!)
I suggest using Google Chrome as well for more optimum results.
Make sure Skype is turned off.
Best to use headphones or earbuds if you want to jump into a hot seat so we can hear you well.
It’s an opportunity for you to hear how different folks (from the 30 Day Periscope Challenge and beyond) are using Periscope while experiencing possibly your first Blab!
Congrats if you’ve already starting Blabbing! I’m pretty green on Blab- though I did do some hilarious, impromptu practice Blabs, while Periscoping! So all of my ‘mistakes’ were witnessed!
So if I can jump in, so can you!! You dig?
And if you’re game, you can hop into one of the ‘hot seats’ and I will ‘grill’ you on your Periscope experiences, do some laser coaching or answer any questions you have about Periscope! Is this fun or what?
With Blab you get to participate in a few different ways:
by jumping into one of the hot seats on video!
or typing in the comments
or you can sit back and enjoy the whole experience and learn a TON of new amazing stuff about these hot new Live-streaming platforms!
and you can expand your visibility and meet new awesome peeps!
I hope you’ll dive in with me! Blab is still in beta testing- so you’re a pioneer- much more than an early adopter!! Same with Periscope!
And it’s WAYYYY easier than Google Hangouts!! YAY!!!
Isn’t it fun to be on the cutting edge of something brand new?
To your e*x*p*a*n*d*e*d VISIBILITY and sharing your message in new, fun ways!!!
I’ve been in a low visibility phase– at least in the video department– there are many ways to be visible, actually– but in the video dept. I’ve been lying low.
Then I went to a networking meeting and heard an awesome marketer sharing that sending texts to past clients is a really great way to stay in touch and let them know you’re still thinking of them. He suggested to send 10 texts the next day.
Well, I have been video texting a friend lately, just for fun and also to stay in video mode as I navigate this low biz viz phase. I realized that it would feel way more like I was walking my Visibility Talk if I made the effort to send Video Texts rather than just regular texts to my clients!
It makes sense, since I’m a Visibility Mentor but it also make sense because it increases the personal touch and connection and packs a whole lot more feeling and meaning! Right?
So I did! And it was super fun and felt way more effective. I got a lot of responses and even a few video texts back!
I also decided to use it with colleagues I had met at a few networking events, and with people I had met almost a year ago who I liked and had never stayed in touch with. I just sifted through this pile of business cards and poof! It felt so good to actually reach out and make a connection!
I find it is so clever that I wish I could say I invented video texting for client connecting! But alas, I didn’t, however, it FEELS like I did and I’m super stoked about the whole thing.
So if you want to learn how to video text, watch the vid– plus it’s cute! I had a lot of fun making it for you 🙂
Now let me know how it goes for you in the comments! I’d love to hear! And share whether you don’t want to send video texts and why. I’d really like to hear. I haven’t heard many others out there doing video texting in their business.
I want to dive in and share with you what I learned about Visibility at my Birthday celebration, a few days ago. What? Visibility again? Yes! And how it directly impacts my business (and yours too!)
I normally like to make my birthday as easy as possible and I try to get it done as painlessly as possible. Lately, I make the effort to do something so that I don’t regret not seizing the opportunity afterward, but it’s sort of a ‘should’ thing… not really an inspiring approach.
My usual approach is to have a beach-bash, pot-luck picnic with all of my dance peeps- a group of people who likes to hang together and swim in the ocean and play beach volleyball or whatever.
It’s fun! But…. It’s an easy way to hide, actually…
The focus is minimally on me but I get to be with everyone and be delighted that they showed up to play with me and celebrate.
But this year, I decided to invite a few women into my home for dinner- extremely last minute- in fact 2 days before! I am so grateful 7 of them came!
We sat outside in a circle. And when the sun went down, we got candles and each one shared what they loved about me. WOW! That was a lot more attention on me.
It was a major visibility stretch! And it was incredible!
And I had to wrestle inside of myself, the whole time, to just receive their love and beautiful reflections and not try to ‘do’ anything or to ‘match’ them and reflect back the same way they had just given to me.
Phew! What an exercise in really feeling and not trying to get rid of the feelings by giving it all right back. You know? An exercise in receptivity and containment.
A lot of negative thoughts popped in, judging how I was responding to each woman:
“Oh you aren’t really opening your heart the way she is.”
“You’re not really giving to her.”
“You’re not really a good friend.”
“You’re a fraud.”
“They’re just being nice to you, but you really don’t deserve it.”
WOW! Can you relate to this? It’s not pretty…
But luckily, I noticed these thoughts and kept re-directing my focus to just be present, really receive each friend and thank her. Just share my gratitude as it came up in each moment with each one. And just trust that I can just share what comes up and they will still love me as I am.
What an exercise in trust, receptivity and allowing myself to be visible. I realize this is a form of performance anxiety that I was unwinding. Sound familiar?
Does this come up for you when you put yourself out there? When you send an email to your list? Make a video? Launch a program? Make an offer? Post on Facebook? So much opportunity to tear ourselves down after we take a big step outward, in visibility. And then we collapse and withdraw and take fewer steps forward for a while.
I’ve noticed the impact of these “visibility crashes” –how costly they are to my business. And it makes it harder to actually STAY in business!
This is one of the things I help my VIP clients with. How to stay in the game after taking major visibility steps- whether it’s on video, or making offers or launching etc… I coach them on the visibility shut down as well as on how to stay fully present and connected so that you show up as magnetically as you can when you’re stretching your visibility!
This boosts their productivity and their ability to keep bringing in new clients! They have the visibility stamina to stay in motion and keep showing up!
I am so grateful to be able to offer this kind of support and to continually be growing in this area, myself, so that I can keep supporting women to do the same. And I have to say, it is a physical, movement skill, an emotional skill as well as a mental skill to be able to do this.
How do you handle visibility stretches? What works for you? I’d love to know!
It is my passion to support you in sharing your beautiful self, unapologetically and completely authentically. Keep shining!