Authentically Glamorous Visibility-Stretch Alert! Yikes! Before I get into sharing my newest challenge as well as sharing some ‘intimate’ numbers with you, I’d like to take you on my recent branding adventure!
In December, I decided to Vamp up my brand with the launch of my “Authentically Glamorous” Video Program. Though it was thrilling to “Dive In and Do It!”, there were not enough women signed up to make it fly, so I decided to put the program on pause.
It was a bit of a roller coaster as I was really jazzed and excited but also a little doubtful of this new, more up-leveled direction. I thought, “Video is super challenging and being authentic is challenging enough!!! Do I really need to up the ante and advocate being authentically “Glamorous”!!?? On video? Is that not adding insult to injury?!!
It felt like I was ‘inflicting’ unnecessary torture on my highly sensitive, fem-preneur peepettes!! Tell me, is that how you felt?
I ask because sometimes it’s excruciatingly challenging for me to be authentically, freakin’ “Glamorous”!! And I doubted whether I was even the ‘right’ person to be leading this movement! Many of my colleagues, coaches and friends have told me flat out that they don’t think I am glamorous!! Harrumph!!
I must say, that does not feel good, and it’s been rather confusing because I sort of agree with them… sort of…. And yet….some part of me, is being ‘called’ to reclaim this long, misunderstood, “Glamorous” piece... hmmmm…..
So I took about 9 magical weeks to really tune in and wait for a kinesthetic knowing of what to do next…drumroll please…
My body got the message to guide highly sensitive women, coach-preneurs deeper into being more authentic and more glamorous on video!
(And by ‘glamorous’ I really mean- their next step in up-leveling their image.)
Our outer image is very much a part of our female entrepreneurial journey. We simply can’t ignore it– as I’ve tried to do when at all possible! I mean, I’m a barefoot-lovin’, nature girl, with strong hippie tendencies for Goddess’ sake!
Can you relate?
I have struggled with body image, eating disorders, yo-yo dieting, binging and hiding since my teens! And I have come a VERY long way!
In high school, I was fashion and diet-obsessed and an exercise bulimic- here at 121 lbs. You can’t even tell I have a pear-shaped body!
(Pssst! I designed and made this white satin, lace ‘slip’ dress, BEFORE Madonna broke out her lacy, lingerie trend in the mid 80s!)
By the end of my first year of university, I had gained 25 lbs. And by my second year of university, I weighed over 170lbs….

But it’s actually NOT about these intimate numbers, right?
No, as you can see in this photo above, I was HIDING– big time!
I hid for many years, no matter what my weight was… I hid ‘behind the camera’ during my film editing career through most of my 20s and 30s.
And then I discovered somatic modalities to work through my body image shame, my self-expression straight-jacket and my fear of visibility.
Nowadays, I hover around the lower 160s, and I expose my curves, more than I’ve ever done in my entire life! I’m not even freaking out about baring my ‘intimate numbers’ with you! It’s so liberating!! Because they truly don’t matter!! Whoo hooo!
Though I’d much rather weigh 20+ lbs less, I am NOT waiting to look perfect!!
And I’m NOT hiding anymore.
I’m not hiding my body.
I’m not hiding my beauty!
I’m not hiding my POWER!!
And I’m really enjoying the perks of being seen!
I have women coming up to me, thanking me for sharing my curves! And thanking me for up-leveling my image and sharing my beauty!
I seem to be getting more respect from all kinds of different women,
and the best news is…
I am getting more clients!!!
I’ve helped hundreds of women coach-preneurs move through their fear of visibility and make videos that attract clients from around the world!
And now I’m super excited to be helping women come out of hiding, and embrace their body and their beauty and claim their Authentically Glamorous birthright on Video so they can really rock their businesses!
It’s not about the ‘intimate numbers’ and it’s not about trying to emulate a certain type of beauty. It’s about, not hiding and not holding back. It’s about stepping into your videos and owning your authentic POWER!!
DON’T HIDE your body/beauty + Show up on Video
= Own your POWER
= Get More Clients!!!
I’m really passionate about sharing my work with more women. I know that body image and shame hold women back by making them less visible and less successful in business more than any other reason.
So now I’d like to dive in even deeper into this Visibility-Stretch and really up the ante!
Over the last 2.5 years I’ve helped hundreds of women coach-preneurs and a few awesome men get past the fear of being visible, make their own videos and attract clients from around the world. When I left my day job 3 years ago, I had no idea of the transformative, expansive impact it would have on my life and on my new business. It feels like I am finally living a soul-satisfying life and purpose that I have wistfully daydreamed about for decades. I am delighted and grateful that I love my life and that I get to do the work that I love.
On the not so bright side, I’ve also failed a LOT. I’ve set many goals that I still haven’t reached. I tried a bunch of different ideas to build my business during the past 3 years. A few worked surprisingly well and many sank like the Titanic.
So it’s feeling a little edgy to be sharing the goal I’ve set for the next 90 days. It’s a big stretch for me and I am excited to embrace it but I need and would be so grateful for your help.
My goal is to give 75 free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions in the next 90 days to highly sensitive, out-of-the-box fem-preneurs who want to step into greater visibility and have fun fully expressing themselves on video so that they can attract clients all over the world and build a profitable dream business!
What motivates me? Because there are 10 million women-owned businesses in the United States alone and less than half of those earn more than 25K. I know what that’s like! It super stressful!
Many women are held back in their businesses by their body image issues and fear of being seen. I am proud to say that I have bust through a ton of visibility and body image issues and put myself in over 150 videos and gotten over 30,000 views on Youtube! And I know how to help women do the same! I want to help those statistics and teach women how to transform their visibility fears and own their “Authentic Glamour” so that they can own their power on video and build successful, cutting-edge businesses and fulfill their purpose!
There are many, many multi-dimensional, undiscovered, highly talented women entrepreneurs who doubt their gifts and feel like no one really gets what they do. They are intimidated by their own self-criticism of how they look and how they sound and they are hiding, scraping by. They are stuck and can’t really expand in their businesses and have no idea how to get past their own glass ceiling.
I want to help. That’s why I am committing to giving 75 free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough sessions in the next 90 days! These free breakthrough sessions help women shift the fear that is straight-jacketing them and get excited to make videos and attract their soul clients from all over the world!
So… Would you hold this vision for me of helping 75 women have a Visibility breakthrough?
And, if you know any creative women entrepreneurs who are committed to stepping into their beauty and power on video to grow their business in 2015, would you please share this post with them?
I would LOVE to offer them a 30-minute complimentary “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough session and get them started on the path toward a visibility breakthrough in their business.
Though my schedule is more booked than ever- yay!– I’m committed to helping women in a more expanded way. So, if you know of anyone who could benefit from a Free 30 minute “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions, I’d love to talk with them, Please send them to this post so that they can schedule a session! (To schedule, Click here!)
So what happens in these Free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions?
In this private 30 minute session, I look at 3 main areas:
1. What are a woman’s challenges when it comes to being visible, up-leveling her image, owning her power, making videos, attracting clients and building her dream business.
2. What her life would be like without these challenges.
3. I’ll give her my best recommendations to help her live a life without feeling straight-jacketed by her fear of being seen on video and feeling empowered and excited to fully express ALL of her on video and attract her soul clients from all over the world!
These recommendations have worked for many of my clients and I promise that she’ll be transformed from our short time together.
We’ll also take a few minutes to explore whether we would be a good fit to continue to work together. There is absolutely no pressure or strings attached… just a transformational conversation with someone who listens deeply, sees her Super Powers and believes that she can transform her fear of visibility into showing up “Authentically Glamorous” and POWERFUL on video!
If you know someone who is ready and really wants help being “Authentically Glamorous” on Video, then encourage her to sign up right now for a Free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Session. (To schedule, Click here!)
Thank you so much for assisting me in reaching my goal to offer 75 complimentary sessions!! I can’t do this without you!!
To Your Expanded Visibility on Video and Beyond!