Visibility Lessons from my Birthday!

I want to dive in and share with you what I learned about Visibility at my Birthday celebration, a few days ago.  What?  Visibility again?  Yes!  And how it directly impacts my business (and yours too!)

I normally like to make my birthday as easy as possible and I try to get it done as painlessly as possible. Lately, I make the effort to do something so that I don’t regret not seizing the opportunity afterward, but it’s sort of a ‘should’ thing… not really an inspiring approach.

My usual approach is to have a beach-bash, pot-luck picnic with all of my dance peeps- a group of people who likes to hang together and swim in the ocean and play beach volleyball or whatever.

It’s fun! But….  It’s an easy way to hide, actually… 

The focus is minimally on me but I get to be with everyone and be delighted that they showed up to play with me and celebrate.

But this year,  I decided to invite a few women into my home for dinner- extremely last minute- in fact 2 days before!  I am so grateful 7 of them came!

We sat outside in a circle.  And when the sun went down, we got candles and each one shared what they loved about me.  WOW!  That was a lot more attention on me.  

It was a major visibility stretch!  And it was incredible! 

And I had to wrestle inside of myself, the whole time, to just receive their love and beautiful reflections and not try to ‘do’ anything or to ‘match’ them and reflect back the same way they had just given to me.

Phew! What an exercise in really feeling and not trying to get rid of the feelings by giving it all right back.  You know?  An exercise in receptivity and containment.

A lot of negative thoughts popped in, judging how I was responding to each woman:

  • “Oh you aren’t really opening your heart the way she is.”
  • “You’re not really giving to her.”
  • “You’re not really a good friend.”
  • “You’re a fraud.”
  • “They’re just being nice to you, but you really don’t deserve it.”

WOW!  Can you relate to this?  It’s not pretty…

But luckily, I noticed these thoughts and kept re-directing my focus to just be present, really receive each friend and thank her.  Just share my gratitude as it came up in each moment with each one.  And just trust that I can just share what comes up and they will still love me as I am.

What an exercise in trust, receptivity and allowing myself to be visible. I realize this is a form of performance anxiety that I was unwinding.  Sound familiar?

Does this come up for you when you put yourself out there?  When you send an email to your list?  Make a video?  Launch a program?  Make an offer?  Post on Facebook?   So much opportunity to  tear ourselves down after we take a big step outward, in visibility.  And then we collapse and withdraw and take fewer steps forward for a while.

I’ve noticed the impact of these “visibility crashes” –how costly they are to my business.  And it makes it harder to actually STAY in business!

This is one of the things I help my VIP clients with.  How to stay in the game after taking major visibility steps- whether it’s on video, or making offers or launching etc…   I coach them on the visibility shut down as well as on how to stay fully present and connected so that you show up as magnetically as you can when you’re stretching your visibility!

This boosts their productivity and their ability to keep bringing in new clients!  They have the visibility stamina to stay in motion and keep showing up!

I am so grateful to be able to offer this kind of support and to continually be growing in this area, myself, so that I can keep supporting women to do the same.  And I have to say, it is a physical, movement skill, an emotional skill as well as a mental skill to be able to do this.

How do you handle visibility stretches?  What works for you?  I’d love to know!

It is my passion to support you in sharing your beautiful self, unapologetically and completely authentically.  Keep shining!

Can you make a video when you’re breaking up?

Okay so I’m not feeling so Visible these days. Haven’t made a video in several weeks and that last one I made, I muscled through to promote my Video workshop at Mystic Journey Bookstore. Which, though ‘petite’- only 5 people- was a really awesome workshop! Everyone made a video from start to finish! Everyone shifted one of their visibility stuck patterns! So yay!

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Deadlines are always an awesome way to get into action however…. they are somewhat artificial in terms of what’s happening inside. eg. I muscled through making the video, doesn’t mean I addressed the reason I wasn’t making videos. Right?

So it’s great I got into Visibility Action but it was a temporary get into Visibility Action and I fell right back into Visibility Inaction- or should I say- Visibility ‘Reduced’ Action -because I didn’t stop moving- entirely!  I have been handling the basics of my biz- I gave an awesome workshop, gave awesome sessions to my clients and I did a lot of physical fun stuff over the weekend: swam in the ocean, went dancing in a new venue, and I squeezed in a last-minute-before-the-sunset, hike!  Each time with a different friend- that’s right-not alone!  So I call all of that Visibility Action! Right?  Phew!  I feel so blessed to have great friends!!

So, there is Visibility Movement happening in my biz and my life.  Yay, moi!

Step #1 It is VERY important to look at where you are in your Visibility Action- not just fixate on where you aren’t–eg. I am not making videos.  This gives you the feeling that you’re not a total disaster!


I have also been on a rom com marathon, bingeing here and there,  and I am simply unwilling to do any networking and doing only minimal marketing.  i.e. NO expanding going on and NO visibility stretching, if you know what I mean.

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 10.08.22 AMIt’s taking a little while to address the underlying cause for my “hang-out-inside -my-cozy-Turtle-shell” phase aka reduced visibility phase I’m going through. But because I have done Step #2: gone inward, per Turtle medicine– (Thank you to Sandy Dow, my shamanic performance coach)-I got some major downloads  from serendipitous sources!

And thanks to my Priestess Guidance coach, Kayoko Omori, I’ve done Step #3 and given myself permission to get cozy and enjoy all of the rom com-ing, bingeing, and resting –emotional processing is exhausting– and fully receive the deep feelings and transformation I am going through in the relationship department!

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And thanks to two friends, I have processed several times for the past few weeks and helped them process as well! Step #4: speak to VERY good friends who can listen and give neutral feedback!

Yes, I watched both Bridget Jones and
both Legally Blondes!!  Not all at once!
Bridget Jones is ‘Anxious’, fatally attracted to ‘Avoidant’ Hugh Grant – a classic mismatch as both are attachment-challenged in the relationship department.  She goes through a journey of the Dark Night of the Soul and finally chooses the ‘Secure’ Colin Firth which though not necessarily easy, will be ultimately a better match for her!  Read “Attached” if you want to learn more about these 3 attachment styles!  Super duper helpful!!

It hasn’t been easy and it has brought up a ton of emotion, going all the way back to Father issues- and made me evaluate all of my past relationships and the recurring patterns.  But it’s also been totally liberating and enlightening!

And as a result, I am feeling totally motivated to write this blog!  Now that’s a visibility stretch in my book!

So, acknowledge what you are doing well,get where you are really at, go inside,feel, rest, self-care, give yourself permission to indulge, and process with good friends!  It works!

All of this has relaxed my system and I don’t feel so shut down anymore.

So, in answer to the question in the title: “Can you make a video when you’re breaking up?”  Well…. I’m still pretty fried and I haven’t made the video yet, but I’m getting closer and instead, I’ve written this blog and I’m quite pleased!  But only because I really got honest with how I was feeling- eg. fried, emotional, upset about a relationship ending and took the necessary steps to take care of myself!

It is so important not to push and not to force yourself to make videos every week.  Though consistency is a virtue and really helps your business, we are not robots running on artificial schedules.  We are human beings and have cycles of ups and downs.  So, listen to yourself and honor your rhythm.  And get help and support when your’e going through the rough ‘reduced’ visibility stretches.

Cheering you on!

How does this resonate for you?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!!

Thank you!


“Get Visible + Attract Committed Clients with Video” Workshop at Mystic Journey Bookstore

Today I’ve got an exciting announcement.  I’m goin’ live- and goin’ local!

I’m teaching a workshop at the beautiful Mystic Journey Bookstore in funky Venice this coming Saturday 2-3:30pm! Here’s my quick impromptu video (shot at 7 am -yikes!- to minimize being seen!)

The workshop is called: “Get Visible + Attract Committed Clients for your Transformational/Spiritual Business using Video!”  You can find out more here!

And yes! It’s a $10. donation to the Bookstore!  Crazy, right?

Live in LA?  I would love to have you attend and get to meet you in person!!  What a concept!  

Know someone in LA? Please share this with them! Bring a friend and build your video team!

Now, take a moment…

Imagine you are having a blast expressing yourself creatively, unabashedly, and powerfully in your business!  And by being totally You, you attract committed clients from around the world who resonate with your spiritual coaching or transformational work.   Your soul feels fulfilled and happy.  Your business is humming!  

That’s the underlying intention of this workshop!

You’ll learn:

  • Why video is particularly effective for spiritual/transformational business owners
  • How to set yourself apart and position yourself as the expert you are to boost your client flow
  • The structure of a “Tip Video” that encourages clients to want to get to know you
  • How to have FUN making your videos = magnetic videos = build your tribe

And you’ll actually make:

your own  video from start to finish with your smart phone!

Now that’s Diving in and Doing it! Right?

Mystic Journey has a high-vibrational, gorgeous and intimate workshop space for about 20 people, so I am anticipating this will fill up rather quickly.  Priority seating will be given to those that show up by 1:45 PM.

I can’t wait to see you in person this Saturday!  It’s going to be an interactive, fun and action-packed workshop.

To your expanded Self-Expression and Joy!

~ Michelle

P.S.  Here’s the link to find out more!

P.P.S.  I’m curious to see which is more effective at bringing in people: my offline (flyers, word of mouth) or online (video, email, facebook) approach!  That should be interesting! If you’re curious, check back here next week!


Timothy Leary would be proud of you!

Timothy Leary has permanently imprinted my brain- no, not because of LSD!  I can’t seem to shake off his 1987 interview for Rolling Stone Magazine, where he said that to create your own images was a revolutionary act!  He said, “Whoever controls the screen, controls consciousness, information and thought!”

He’d sure be proud of us entrepreneurs creating our own TV channels with our own special ‘programming’- we constantly contribute to consciousness with our own information and thought!  We sure are powerful, aren’t we?

Here’s my little ode to Timothy, but it’s more to inspire YOU to keep sharing on video or to encourage you to take your next step toward creating videos to share YOUR one-of-a-kind thoughts and ideas so a larger audience can be imprinted by YOU!

And to continue on this revolutionary path of creating our own images and content,  I am very excited to step into my very first stint as a ‘talk-show host!’ when I do my first Google Hangout interview!!  I’ll be interviewing  Nicole Holland, a Master Business Coach who’s going to be talking about business basics to beef up your biz!!

Nicole LOVES helping entrepreneurs get really clear on their purpose, message, and packaging. It makes her do happy dances around her kitchen!  She really does get super excited and you’ll get super energized and inspired when you hear her!

I hope you’ll join us this Wednesday, April 1st at 1 pm PT!  No registration required!  Just click this link and you’re in!

Here’s to being a video revolutionary and beefing up your biz with business basics!!


PS:  If you’ve been a little lack luster in your business and need some fresh inspiration to move into action, I invite you to hop onto my interview with Nicole!

Unraveling Layers of Visibility

It’s funny how I used to think writing a blog was less exposing than making a video.  And now I feel like making a video is less exposing than writing a blog!  That seems utterly paradoxical, but the truth is- it’s all visibility!  Writing a blog ‘exposes’ my truth, my values, my thoughts, my feelings…

I’ve had issues with ‘exposing’ myself in front of other people – like a special group of fellow students that I was learning with over a 10+ year period.  I found this terrifying for years, but forced myself to do it as it was a _MG_2004 white arms out great smilesafe place.  Yet we’re only as safe as we feel inside and I came to realize that though it had been an incredibly expanding learning experience all those years, I came to a point in my growth where I uncovered the trauma I was ‘muscling’ through and I couldn’t push myself anymore and had to take a break.

This actually took a lot of courage as I had been with this group for a long period of time and it felt like defeat and cowardice to step away.  A part of me felt like I had regressed. Whereas another part of me felt like I was finally listening to a part of me that had been screaming to be heard and cared for.

I share all of this to compassionately say how complex and multi-layered and multi-dimensional visibility is.  Visibility means vulnerability and that requires courage and safety.  And I have come to respect and value that we go through phases and highs and lows of being able to be visible.  I know after being very visible during a launch, I tend to crash and retreat into my safe cave.  It’s like my visibility boundaries get stretched like a rubber band way, way out there and then they rebound way, way back for a while.

I truly am working on how to prevent this extreme cycle, so that I don’t have to crash so hard.  I never hide out completely– luckily.  I keep certain channels of visibility open, like posting on Facebook, making some videos etc… but my Klout score, for example, goes way down and that’s fascinating to have my visibility cycle exposed so concretely to me.

Have you checked out Klout?  It measures your social media presence and though I Heart_Glassdon’t get too hung up about it, it is an interesting tool to let you know how visible you are on social media.

For example, when I was launching my “Authentically Glamorous on Video” group program, last December, my Klout score peaked at 67.29 – the day after my  Google Hangout.  Fascinating!  But, makes total sense!  I was building and building my social presence to get people to come to the Google Hangout and so my Klout score peaked the day after as there was a lot of activity afterward.

However, what I really don’t like about my visibility crashes are the low self esteem crashes and those don’t get accurately reflected on Klout.  Those are more debilitating than my Klout score going down.  That’s what I’m really working on- to prevent extreme low self-esteem crashes.  They are painful and affect my relationships, my ability to attract clients, my eating habits, my health, my joy– you name it!  Can you relate?

So, I’m starting to see that my visibility cycle resembles my push- collapse cycle.  During these launches I push myself really hard and so the combo of being really out there and all the pushing to make it happen is what makes the crash so hard.  So it’s both visibility and my energy reserves that are tanking.

I’ve been learning how to not push so much, but these launches can be intense!  I’m coming to realize that there are less intense ways to get my message out and attract clients.  I’ve been exploring new avenues- like emailing my list or posting on Facebook.  I’m enjoying exploring these new methods.  Some people call this a more feminine approach when you don’t push so hard.

Do you notice your own visibility cycles and what activities push them over the edge?  Are you tracking how hard you are pushing yourself?  And how does your self-esteem respond to all of this?

I’d love to hear more about this in the comments below.  Isn’t it all fascinating?  Maybe we can all help each other to keep expanding our visibility incrementally, sustainably and more enjoyably!

Help Me Give 75 Free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Sessions in 90 Days!

Authentically Glamorous Visibility-Stretch Alert!  Yikes! Before I get into sharing my newest challenge as well as sharing some ‘intimate’ numbers with you, I’d like to take you on my recent branding adventure!

In December, I decided to Vamp up my brand with the launch of my “Authentically Glamorous” Video Program.  Though it was thrilling to “Dive In and Do It!”,  there were not enough women signed up to make it fly, so I decided to put the program on pause.

It was a bit of a roller coaster as I was really jazzed and excited but also a little doubtful of this new, more up-leveled direction.  I thought, “Video is super challenging and being authentic is challenging enough!!!  Do I really need to up the ante and advocate being authentically “Glamorous”!!?? On video?  Is that not adding insult to injury?!!

It felt like I was ‘inflicting’ unnecessary torture on my highly sensitive, fem-preneur peepettes!! Tell me, is that how you felt?

I ask because sometimes it’s excruciatingly challenging for me to be authentically, freakin’ “Glamorous”!!  And I doubted whether I was even the ‘right’ person to be leading this movement!  Many of my colleagues, coaches and friends have told me flat out that they don’t think I am glamorous!!  Harrumph!!

I must say, that does not feel good, and it’s been rather confusing because I sort of agree with them… sort of…. And yet….some part of me, is being ‘called’ to reclaim this long, misunderstood, “Glamorous” piece... hmmmm…..

So I took about 9 magical weeks to really tune in and wait for a kinesthetic knowing of what to do next…drumroll please… 

My body got the message to guide highly sensitive women, coach-preneurs deeper into being more authentic and more glamorous on video!

(And by ‘glamorous’ I really mean- their next step in up-leveling their image.)

Our outer image is very much a part of our female entrepreneurial journey.  We simply can’t ignore it– as I’ve tried to do when at all possible!  I mean, I’m a barefoot-lovin’, nature girl, with strong hippie tendencies for Goddess’ sake!

Can you relate?

I have struggled with body image, eating disorders, yo-yo dieting, binging and hiding since my teens!  And I have come a VERY long way!

In high school, I was fashion and diet-obsessed and an exercise bulimic- here at 121 lbs.  You can’t even tell I have a pear-shaped body!

(Pssst! I designed and made this white satin, lace ‘slip’ dress, BEFORE Madonna broke out her lacy, lingerie trend in the mid 80s!)

By the end of my first year of university, I had gained 25 lbs.  And by my second year of university, I weighed over 170lbs….

But it’s actually NOT about these intimate numbers, right?

No, as you can see in this photo above, I was HIDING– big time!

I hid for many years, no matter what my weight was…  I hid ‘behind the camera’ during my film editing career through most of my 20s and 30s.

And then I discovered somatic modalities to work through my body image shame,  my self-expression straight-jacket and my fear of visibility.

Nowadays, I hover around the lower 160s, and I expose my curves, more than I’ve ever done in my entire life!  I’m not even freaking out about baring my ‘intimate numbers’ with you!  It’s so liberating!!  Because they truly don’t matter!!  Whoo hooo!
Though I’d much rather weigh 20+ lbs less, I am NOT waiting to look perfect!!

And I’m NOT hiding anymore.

I’m not hiding my body.

I’m not hiding my beauty!

I’m not hiding my POWER!!

And I’m really enjoying the perks of being seen!

I have women coming up to me, thanking me for sharing my curves!  And thanking me for up-leveling my image and sharing my beauty!

I seem to be getting more respect from all kinds of different women,
and the best news is…

I am getting more clients!!!

I’ve helped hundreds of women coach-preneurs move through their fear of visibility and make videos that attract clients from around the world!

And now I’m super excited to be helping women come out of hiding, and embrace their body and their beauty and claim their Authentically Glamorous birthright on Video so they can really rock their businesses!

It’s not about the ‘intimate numbers’ and it’s not about trying to emulate a certain type of beauty.  It’s about, not hiding and not holding back.  It’s about stepping into your videos and owning your authentic POWER!!

DON’T HIDE your body/beauty + Show up on Video
= Own your POWER
= Get More Clients!!!

I’m really passionate about sharing my  work with more women.  I know that body image and shame hold women back by making them less visible and less successful in business more than any other reason.

So now I’d like to dive in even deeper into this Visibility-Stretch and really up the ante!

Over the last 2.5 years I’ve helped hundreds of women coach-preneurs and a few awesome men get past the fear of being visible, make their own videos and attract clients from around the world.  When I left my day job 3 years ago, I had no idea of the transformative, expansive impact it would have on my life and on my new business.  It feels like I am finally living a soul-satisfying life and purpose that I have wistfully daydreamed about for decades.  I am delighted and grateful that I love my life and that I get to do the work that I love.

On the not so bright side, I’ve also failed a LOT.  I’ve set many goals that I still haven’t reached.  I tried a bunch of different ideas to build my business during the past 3 years. A few worked surprisingly well and many sank like the Titanic.

So it’s feeling a little edgy to be sharing the goal I’ve set for the next 90 days. It’s a big stretch for me and I am excited to embrace it but I need and would be so grateful for your help.

My goal is to give 75 free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions in the next 90 days to highly sensitive, out-of-the-box fem-preneurs who want to step into greater visibility and have fun fully expressing themselves on video so that they can attract clients all over the world and build a profitable dream business!

What motivates me?  Because there are 10 million women-owned businesses in the United States alone and less than half of those earn more than 25K.   I know what that’s like!  It super stressful!

Many women are held back in their businesses by their body image issues and fear of being seen.  I am proud to say that I have bust through a ton of visibility and body image issues and put myself in over 150 videos and gotten over 30,000 views on Youtube!  And I know how to help women do the same!  I want to help those statistics and teach women how to transform their visibility fears and own their “Authentic Glamour” so that they can own their power on video and build successful, cutting-edge businesses and fulfill their purpose!

There are many, many multi-dimensional, undiscovered, highly talented women entrepreneurs who doubt their gifts and feel like no one really gets what they do.  They are intimidated by their own self-criticism of how they look and how they sound and they are hiding, scraping by.  They are stuck and can’t really expand in their businesses and have no idea how to get past their own glass ceiling.

I want to help. That’s why I am committing to giving 75 free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough sessions in the next 90 days!  These free breakthrough sessions help women shift the fear that is straight-jacketing them and get excited to make videos and attract their soul clients from all over the world!

So… Would you hold this vision for me of helping 75 women have a Visibility breakthrough?

beforehidingafterAnd, if you know any creative women entrepreneurs who are committed to stepping into their beauty and power on video to grow their business in 2015, would you please share this post with them?

I would LOVE to offer them a 30-minute complimentary “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough session and get them started on the path toward a visibility breakthrough in their business.

Though my schedule is more booked than ever- yay!– I’m committed to helping women in a more expanded way.  So, if you know of anyone who could benefit from a Free 30 minute “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions,  I’d love to talk with them,  Please send them to this post so that they can schedule a session! (To schedule, Click here!)

So what happens in these Free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Sessions?

In this private 30 minute session, I look at 3 main areas:

1. What are a woman’s challenges when it comes to being visible, up-leveling her image, owning her power, making videos, attracting clients and building her dream business.
2. What her life would be like without these challenges.
3. I’ll give her my best recommendations to help her live a life without feeling straight-jacketed by her fear of being seen on video and feeling empowered and excited to fully express ALL of her on video and attract her soul clients from all over the world!

These recommendations have worked for many of my clients and I promise that she’ll be transformed from our short time together.

We’ll also take a few minutes to explore whether we would be a good fit to continue to work together.  There is absolutely no pressure or strings attached… just a transformational conversation with someone who listens deeply, sees her Super Powers and believes that she can transform her fear of visibility into showing up “Authentically Glamorous” and POWERFUL on video!

If you know someone who is ready and really wants help being “Authentically Glamorous” on Video, then encourage her to sign up right now for a Free “Authentically Glamorous on Video” Breakthrough Session. (To schedule, Click here!)

Thank you so much for assisting me in reaching my goal to offer 75 complimentary sessions!!  I can’t do this without you!!

To Your Expanded Visibility on Video and Beyond!



How *Earthing* Helps you Make Magnetic Youtube Videos

Earthing helps you Ground, Relax and be Magnetic on VideoSo how do you get into a ‘magnetic state of being’- quickly- when you’re frazzled and need to make a rockin’ Youtube video?

Well I found out inadvertently while I was in my free floating surf mode on Sunday and stumbled upon  2 documentaries about *Earthing*!!

I was shocked at the power of these healing stories about Earthing.  They were utterly mind-blowing!  My love of self-healing was sooooo satisfied and empowered.

Earthing is sooooo simple and free and so utterly…. earthy!!!

I learned way more about the importance of going barefoot, which I’ve always loved doing!!  So I immediately started Earthing again!

And then I had to put *Earthing* to the test and use it to help me ground and connect with myself and make a Youtube marketing video….. about Earthing!  In it, I explain what Earthing is and how to do it.   This is how it turned out!

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I was really tired but determined. So I removed my brand new pink pumps




and put my feet on the ground for 20 minutes before shooting the video.


It felt sooooo goooood.  I was able to completely relax and feel energized! The perfect combination for making a magnetic Youtube video!

*Earthing* got me out of my head and totally into my body without having to concentrate or do any kind of special movement.

I didn’t have to push my energy to connect, nor was I retreating into myself.  I felt in total alignment with my energy and with reaching and connecting to my peeps!

Plus I managed to learn how to use my Monopod, too!  I was inspired by the filmmaking in “Heal For Free”!  It was really fun!  And if it’s fun and I’m excited, then I KNOW I’m on the right track.

Just as I mentioned in last week’s post, I may not know exactly the significance of why I’m making a video at first, but if I”m following my excitement and inspiration, that alone is enough reason to make it.

I think Earthing is amazing!  And I think it is INVALUABLE for making, grounded, connected, magnetic Youtube videos.

I can’t recommend *Earthing* enough and I highly recommend watching “Heal for Free” by Steve Kroschel– You will be forever changed by this film plus it is highly entertaining and heart warming!

And if you’d like to learn more about how to get into your body and really connect with yourself so that you can connect to your audience, snag my free Video Series here!

Happy Earthing and Making Magnetic Youtube Videos!



Do you Suffer from “I-gotta-make-sense” Syndrome?

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You may have heard me talk about ‘holistic marketing’ and how important it is to share ‘behind-the-scenes,’ fun, videos of your non-professional side or the ridiculous side of your of biz side every now and then, to spice up your biz vid repertoire.

Not only does this create greater engagement, because it’s unpredictable and entertaining- remember- video is primarily an entertainment medium!- but this is also a GREAT way for people to get to know, like and trust you in an ‘organic,’ right-brain kind of way.

So you may be inspired to share a quick, “on the fly” video of something you did that was fun or important to you, like your daughter’s birthday or going to the Farmer’s market!

But then you go into panic low-frequency mode: “I gotta give MASSIVE VALUE!   Who cares about my personal life?  What can people possibly get out of this?”  You discredit your inspired impulse.  You are now officially  “in your head,” no longer in the realm of magic and inspiration— trying to “make sense.”

And guess what?  Now, it’s No Fun!  Ugh… It feels really Heavy… You might even feel like a loser and stupid for even shooting the video in the first place.  What were you thinking?

You’ve officially ‘killed’ the original inspiration…

Well, I totally get it. I went through that with this video!

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This moment that I shot of my Mom was magical to me.  It was about 3 minutes of random footage, but I instinctively felt compelled to do something with it.  So, on the plane ride home, I played with it and edited it down to a 30 second montage.

It really didn’t take that long, but then I was left wondering: “What’s the title? What SEO keywords should I use?!! (Ha!) What’s the point? Why the heck am I bothering?”

I had to journal for the last several hours of the plane ride, brainstorm with a dear, brilliant colleague, chew my nails, feel totally straightjacketed and particularly foolish since I advocate doing these kinds of ‘non-biz’ biz videos!

no more straightjacketing

I was amazed that this teeny, tiny, little video was causing me such grief!  I refused to cast it aside like sooooo many of my videos that I’ve dropped–never to see the light of day! NooooOoooOOOoooo!  Not this one!

But why?

The torture lasted a week before I began to connect back to my original inspiration and my passion to fully express myself.

So,  I say “YES!” to my inspiration, impulse, playfulness and I say “NO!” to “gotta-make-sense-or-why-bother!”

I practice and flex my inspiration-sharing muscle with this video.  And I want to share a few steps on how I got through this to help you flex your inspiration-sharing video muscles!

Step 1: Ask yourself, “What inspired you to pull out your iPhone and capture this moment?”

  1. Answering this question connected me to the joy and gratitude of seeing my Mom–who on my last visit could barely walk–  walking and frolicking and sporting her groovy new pair of red snow boots she had bought to celebrate being able to walk!!                                        [My Mom started taking Diatomaceous Earth that I had brought her on my last visit and within 3 days was starting to have less pain in her knees!!  She’d also been yearning to get a dog (it’d been 35 years since she had a dog!) to inspire her to walk, and now she had Chloe and she could actually do it!!]
  2. It was also the first time we were getting outside together after conquering a 5 Day liver detox!   [I took 2 planes from Los Angeles to Ottawa and then drove an hour to the little artist colony of Merrickville to do this detox with her.  I’d been wanting to do a Liver Detox for over 5 years!]
  3. My Artemis spirit was elated being outside in the lightly falling snow, all bundled up, and walking with Mom and Chloe!

So all of this has helped me really receive how important it was to capture this momentous, victorious moment!!  And that feels so good!!  It makes sense! Right?  And it is important….to me!

Great, so I was starting to back myself up, which is key when you are ‘breaking the rules!’

Step 2:  Ask yourself, “Why is it so important that you share this video?”

  1. I realized that I have a Very Strong passion to be Seen, and to be seen doing things I love!  (Ask yourself: “But why?”)
  2. I want to Break Free and feel free to share Anything I want, Without Apology!  (Ask yourself: “But why?”)
  3. I tapped into my childhood and adolescence, when I felt VERY straightjacketed by being a good girl, an A student, perfect, always right, etc… and how utterly UN-FUN and restrictive that felt.  I made a vow at some point to not censor myself and really allow myself to express myself!

So now, it’s really making sense to me why this seemingly ‘dinky’ little video is so darn important to me!

I also realized that while I was struggling with what to do with the video, I was actually scared and embarrassed to share something so personal that seemed to have NO value to anyone else and therefore to be breaking the rule of sharing “Massive Value!”

However, once I got clear why it was important to me, I wasn’t worried what other people would think anymore!

Can relate to any of this?  No doubt you might if you resonate with my video and visibility crusade tendencies! 🙂

If you keep  digging deeper by asking yourself why the video is important to you to share with your tribe- the information will help you understand yourself better, the greater, spiritual meaning behind the video and help you tweak (if necessary) and complete the video!

So, emboldened by these new insights, I added some of this information into the titles of the video, which grounds the video and makes it more understandable to my tribe.

As you can see, I was compelled to make “spiritual sense” out of the video, in the end, but definitely not ‘business sense.’  I decided to break the video marketing rule of “Massive Value” that I was  wrestling with and found so hard to follow.

I got to connect even more passionately with my holistic marketing philosophy. I learned to a whole new level that:

Sharing what is important to you is actually Massive Value to your tribe!!

So, my dear tribe,  I’m excited!  I intend to break free from video/marketing rules some more!  I’ll definitely keep you posted!!

Let me know how this lands for you.  I’m curious!  And I encourage you to break out of any straight jacket you may be putting yourself in.  Express YOUR joy, YOUR passions, YOUR values in your videos!  You are the CEO of Your business!  You get to decide!  Watch how your tribe responds!!

To your freedom of expression and No More Straight-jacketing!


PS The not-so-closet Health Coach in me has been aching to make a video about the wonders of  Diatomaceous Earth and to let more people know about it! But I kept straightjacketing myself with the ‘rule’ “Don’t confuse your tribe!” (yet again!) But no more! It’s a testimonial!  Self-healing is one of my PASSIONS!  And helping my Mom avoid knee replacement surgery makes me sooooo happy!!

And I take it every day for hip/arthritis issues.  I want everyone to know about it! And it’s dirt cheap!!!  I’ll probably make a ‘real’ video about it at some point!!  This was just a teaser 🙂

There are MANY different brands out there.  As long as it is FOOD GRADE, you’re fine.  I chose this one (after doing tons of research!) because it comes in a plastic container which is the best way to avoid dust and mess and super convenient.  And it’s an excellent price for 3 lbs!  Don’t be foiled because it’s marketed for pets! It’s the same stuff and works equally fabulously for pets and for peeps!  It’s truly the best kept health secret out there because pharmaceutical companies and vitamin companies can’t make money off of it!  Give it a whirl and let me know how it works for you!!



Easy Facebook Visibility Step to Kick off 2015!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday!  I’m wondering how your 2015 has kicked off in the visibility department?  I’ve been easing into it slowly, myself.  December was visibility packed and so I enjoyed a low-profile holiday and beginning of 2015.

I decided I was doing “Enough!” and so I didn’t Push myself into visibility mode until I was good and ready.  And that is making me a lot happier!  Lets just say my ‘inner 4 year old’ is MUCH happier!  Cuz when she ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!

I need to rejuvenate at times, so I can really SHINE when I want to!  Do you resonate?  That’s what dolphins do, too!!

I’ve been looking at lots of underwater video footage of dolphins (courtesy my dolphin communicating colleague, Jennifer Gilchrist- Intuitive Coach) and they chill, rest, glide, snuggle with each other.

And when they want to take the spotlight, they have the energy resources to jump up and spin and say “HELLO!” in a VERY Big, Splashy Way!

 So, the way I decided to make a bit of a Splash in a Super Easy Way, was to change my Christmas, holiday Facebook profile photo:

From:  Cartoon/ Joke Mode——–>
(BONUS HOT MARKETING TIP: It’s a Screenshot from the BitStrips app!!  A great, playful resource for your marketing!!)

To:  Authentically Glamorous Headshot Mode!
— this is a photo that I have never used, possibly because it felt ‘too sexy’ up until now.

(I know, it’s not that bad… but sometimes my visibility prude comes out!  Know what I mean?)


This photo actually feels really fun to me now! (Sometimes timing is involved in using some of your high frequency photos!  It’s good to listen to your own visibility timing!)

It also has a sparkly, fun, dolphin energy in it.  Don’t you think?  So it felt totally in alignment with my New Year’s Intention:

To have EVEN MORE FUN in my business this year, while ‘upleveling’ my frequency and stretching my ‘authentically glamorous’ visibility!!

I also updated (much needed!!)  my cover photo,
FROM: Christmas,Cartoon/Joke Mode

TO: Wacky, FUN, Adventurous,
and a little more glamorous mode!

Yes, it’s an actual Burmese Albino Python!
This is a screenshot from a video
I haven’t used yet .
So this was a great way to maximize this footage!



These photo changes created a fun, splish-splash and brought me some much needed visibility and ‘likes’ in a fun, easy way!  It was the perfect way to dip my toe in and get more visible in 2015, so my ideal clients know I’m up and ready for business!!

Do you have a fun, easy way to make a visibility splash?  Please share below!  We can all learn from each other’s visibility tips!!

Wishing you a fun, splashy, visible, successful and soul-fulfilling 2015!!


How To Step Into Spiritually Connected Leadership-and take a load off!

BOY oh BOY! It was a HUGE deal to “Dive In” and host my first Google Hangout ever, “Dive in and Do it! 3 Easy Steps to be Authentically Glamorous on video to attract High-End clients from around the world.”  The Authentically Glamorous piece put me way out of my comfort zone, that’s for sure, it is very new for me, consciously, though very ancient for me, on a subconscious level. 

And the Google Hangout was definitely daunting, having heard of people’s myriad technical problems in the past.   I was not even sure how effective my marketing message was, if it was properly understood or if I reached enough women for the amount of energy I had put into it.

However, the one thing that grounded me and kept me going through it all was connecting to my deeper purpose and dedicating my efforts to something much greater than myself.  My wonderful ‘performance/nervous system/shamanic coach,’ Sandy Dow, helped me tune into this bigger perspective- thank Goddess!!

With this inspired direction, I KNEW I had to step up my game and be MORE visible!  I had to step into my Authentic Glamour and speak up as the leader I am here to be.  Why?  To take a stand for the women who have no voice and are forbidden to even show their faces– let alone their beauty!  Like in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.  Can you imagine being covered head to toe and having to look through a mesh all the time?  In that heat!  So intense!

I just kept connecting to these women, knowing that my Google Hangout was dedicated to them, and it helped me let go of whether I was ‘full of shit,’ totally diving in too quickly without enough prep time, not getting the numbers I wanted and so on.  “It’s Beyond Me!  It’s much bigger than me,” I kept coaching myself before and after, so I wouldn’t spiral into massive self-judgment and self-doubt.

I also KNEW that I wanted to have FUN doing this Google Hangout!  So I dedicated it to the Dolphins as well!  To thank them for all the love and healing they give us.  I kept tapping into their joyful and playful self-expression and focused on:

  • Enjoying my massive visibility stretch.
  • Enjoying painting my beautiful pink background!  I LOVE to paint and was thrilled to be able to include my love of painting into making the Google Hangout look really pretty!


  • Enjoying dressing up, putting on makeup and being the high heeled Priestess I am here to be!

glam shoes google hangout

As a result, I was able to tap into a MUCH BIGGER, spiritual force that supported me through it all.  And  I KNOW now, that I do not have to do this alone and I do not have to struggle and scrape through to survive.  I will be taken care of if I stick to stepping up and connecting to my bigger purpose.

So guess what?  No Visibility Hangover!  At least not like I used to experience!!  That’s truly amazing!!  I’m hanging in and making a few tweaks and assessing what my next steps are, so I can transmit my message even more coherently and effectively.

So what I’m saying is that I didn’t do it perfectly- not by a long shot!  But that’s not the point!  It’s to keep going for it and to keep showing up.  And that is so much more FUN than caving in and feeling like I may have bombed!  Right?  Because I certainly didn’t!  I had women contact me after the Google Hangout and some out of the blue, who didn’t even watch my Google Hangout!!

I surrendered the Google Hangout to the bigger picture, to the universe and let the women entrepreneurs who resonate with my frequency, be magnetically drawn to me and find me. It was rather miraculous!!

I want this for you, too!  Does tuning into your deeper purpose and surrendering it to the universe resonate for you?  Perhaps you are already doing this!  Bravo!  Do share in the comments how you relate to this! I’d love to know!

To sharing your message as boldly and as brightly as you yearn to do and tapping into your deeper message and the higher frequencies that are here to assist you!

Michelle White Hart