I figured!
As I was gallivanting innocently through Facebook, one day, I clicked on a video and ‘met’ my first business coach, Christina Morassi.
Fast forward 2 years and now she’s giving me the opportunity to teach her clients about making ‘Renegade’ videos to boost their businesses! What a thrill! Here’s a little teaser for you:
Now, I don’t really like to admit this, but I didn’t ‘like’ Christina at first. I was actually kind of jealous of her. Well, actually, not kind of... To be totally accurate, I was really jealous. Unfortunately, I was riveted to her videos.
Funny how that is.
I wanted what she had. I wanted to fully express myself on video the way she unabashedly seemed to be doing. She was having way too much fun- dagnabbit! And I most definitely was NOT! I was incredibly STUCK.
AND she was able to teach- I begrudgingly had to admit- compelling content in a creative way, while having FUN! Sh*t! I thought to myself, “if she can do it, why the heck can’t I?”
After stalking her videos rather intently for a few months, I couldn’t resist her anymore.
I realized I had to work with her and I signed up without going to her live event which was practically free and local!
Kind of ridiculous, eh? Though I had resisted going to see her in her glory on stage, I saw 1 video that put me over the edge! She had jetted to Hawaii at the last minute to celebrate and rejuvenate after her very successful live event (darn her!) and she was teaching branding, using her bikini as an example! Utterly brilliant!- much to my chagrin….
But that did it for me! I was utterly SOLD on her, without her having to sell me, because I so totally WANTED the freedom of self-expression and success that she had, and I KNEW she was the right coach for me.
Ironically, I had to beg her to take me into her VIP program because she wasn’t so sure I was such a good fit!!!
How absurdly ironic!
Wouldn’t you like to not have to sell yourself and let your videos do the work for you?
This is how video can work for YOU!
And this is how I was able to manifest this very special opportunity….
After watching my videos, Christina approached me to teach the Video module for her Confident Business Diva Program coming up in February!!
Can you tell? I am still doing a happy jig inside! I was thrilled and totally HONORED! And this past Wednesday, I taught the Divas this special Renegade Video-Making workshop while they were all in town for their Retreat at the Viceroy Hotel!
Isn’t it ever so elegant? It’s also pretty darn groovy and SUPER high frequency. I have to say, I felt like a million bucks!
The goal of the workshop was to teach the Divas to milk the marketing advantages to the max while they were at the retreat, using ‘Renegade’ video! To take full advantage of the exciting visual opportunities and make authentic, dynamic ‘Renegade’ videos- quick, lo-tech, grab-the-moment-while-you-can, guerilla-style videos!
So how is the combo of Renegade video + Retreat a marketing gold mine, you ask?
Well, these videos, while non-time-consuming and easy to do, are “Know-Like-Trust Builders,” intended to share the Divas’ out-of-the-box business building retreat experience and share their exciting journey with their audience:
- like staying at a groovy, artsy 5 star hotel– super visually interesting;
- expanding their visibility muscles by dancing in colorful, glitzy attire in a flash mob in a touristy part of town;
- and getting photographed in a celebrity photo-shoot!
Wouldn’t you be riveted to follow along their journeys in these non-traditional, ‘Renegade’ business videos?
That’s what I’m talkin’ about! I’ve watched many of these videos on Facebook and they’re totally engaging and captivating! In fact, many of the Divas had been struggling making videos, prior to the workshop, and each one shot a minimum of 3 videos during their retreat! Most of them shot 4 or more!
A rip-roaring success, I’d say! Wouldn’t you say?
So is this something you WANT?
To be able to:
- make videos easily, in the spur of the moment
- express yourself fully and authentically
- maximize on great marketing opportunities to boost your Know-Like-Trust Factor
- have people flocking to you, rather than you chasing them and having to work really hard selling your services?
Well, I have 3 spots open for a Vamp Up Your Visibility Discovery Session right now!!!
Email me for more details! (Michelle at MichelleWhiteHart dot com)
I look forward to helping you Vamp Up Your Visibility, no matter where you are at on this transformational journey!
To You Getting What You WANT!
Michelle, this is SO helpful…videos and especially editing are new to me and, to be honest, still a little bit daunting so I totally appreciate your expertise in making the process so much more approachable!
I’m so glad this was helpful and that it makes editing more approachable Katie! Editing can definitely be daunting on top of video already! But you only have to learn one editing trick at a time and build your editing palette slowly. Celebrate and savor each one you learn and use!