How did you meet your Coach? Seeing her Video?

I figured!

As I was gallivanting innocently through Facebook, one day, I clicked on a video and ‘met’ my first business coach, Christina Morassi.

Fast forward 2 years and now she’s giving me the opportunity to teach her clients about making ‘Renegade’ videos to boost their businesses!  What a thrill! Here’s a little teaser for you:

Now, I don’t really like to admit this, but I didn’t ‘like’ Christina at first.  I was actually kind of jealous of her.  Well, actually, not kind of...  To be totally accurate, I was really jealous.  Unfortunately, I was riveted to her videos.

Funny how that is.

I wanted what she had.  I wanted to fully express myself on video the way she unabashedly seemed to be doing.  She was having way too much fun- dagnabbit!  And I most definitely was NOT!  I was incredibly STUCK.

AND she was able to teach- I begrudgingly had to admit- compelling content in a creative way, while having FUN!  Sh*t! I thought to myself, “if she can do it, why the heck can’t I?”

After stalking her videos rather intently for a few months, I couldn’t resist her anymore.
I realized I had to work with her and I signed up without going to her live event which was practically free and local!

Kind of ridiculous, eh?  Though I had resisted going to see her in her glory on stage, I saw 1 video that put me over the edge!  She had jetted to Hawaii at the last minute to celebrate and rejuvenate after her very successful live event (darn her!)  and she was teaching branding, using her bikini as an example!  Utterly brilliant!- much to my chagrin….

But that did it for me!  I was utterly SOLD on her, without her having to sell me, because I so totally WANTED the freedom of self-expression and success that she had, and I KNEW she was the right coach for me.

Ironically, I had to beg her to take me into her VIP program because she wasn’t so sure I was such a good fit!!!

How absurdly ironic!

Wouldn’t you like to not have to sell yourself and let your videos do the work for you?
This is how video can work for YOU!

And this is how I was able to manifest this very special opportunity….

After watching my videos, Christina  approached me to teach the Video module for her Confident Business Diva Program coming up in February!!

Can you tell?  I am still doing a happy jig inside!  I was thrilled and totally HONORED!  And this past Wednesday, I taught the Divas this special Renegade Video-Making workshop while they were all in town for their Retreat at the Viceroy Hotel!

M teaches

Isn’t it ever so elegant?  It’s also pretty darn groovy and SUPER high frequency.  I have to say, I felt like a million bucks!

The goal of the workshop was to teach the Divas to milk the marketing advantages to the max while they were at the retreat, using ‘Renegade’ video!  To take full advantage of the exciting visual opportunities and make authentic, dynamic ‘Renegade’ videos- quick, lo-tech, grab-the-moment-while-you-can, guerilla-style videos!

So how is the combo of Renegade video + Retreat a marketing gold mine, you ask?

Well, these videos, while non-time-consuming and easy to do, are “Know-Like-Trust Builders,” intended to share the Divas’ out-of-the-box  business building retreat experience and share their exciting journey with their audience:

  • like staying at a groovy, artsy 5 star hotel– super visually interesting;
  • expanding their visibility muscles by dancing in colorful, glitzy attire in a flash mob in a touristy part of town;
  • and getting photographed in a celebrity photo-shoot!

Wouldn’t you be riveted to follow along their journeys in these non-traditional, ‘Renegade’ business videos?

That’s what I’m talkin’ about!  I’ve watched many of these videos on Facebook and they’re totally engaging and captivating!  In fact, many of the Divas had been struggling making videos, prior to the workshop, and each one shot a minimum of 3 videos during their retreat!  Most of them shot 4 or more!

A rip-roaring success, I’d say!  Wouldn’t you say?

So is this something you WANT?

To be able to:

  • make videos easily, in the spur of the moment
  • express yourself fully and authentically
  • maximize on great marketing opportunities to boost your Know-Like-Trust Factor
  • have people flocking to you, rather than you chasing them and having to work really hard selling your services?

Well, I have 3 spots open for a Vamp Up Your Visibility Discovery Session right now!!!

Email me for more details!  (Michelle at MichelleWhiteHart dot com)

I look forward to helping you Vamp Up Your Visibility, no matter where you are at on this transformational journey!

To You Getting What You WANT!




Welcome to the New Paradigm of Video Visibility!

What’s the New Video Paradigm, you might be asking?

Screen Shot 2014-01-08 at 6.04.50 PMWell there’s the “New Business Paradigm”, and the “New Economy,” so why not a New Paradigm of Video Visibility? 

Seriously, though, it makes sense, doesn’t it?  The New Video Paradigm is about being authentic and transparent.  It’s about playing with and stretching traditional video and business norms and going out-of-the-box.

It’s about being the star of your own videos– even if you’ve never had an acting lesson in your life and you’re an introvert.   It’s about having your own video channel, and not relying on Hollywood or ‘experts’ to dictate how you make your videos and what you say in them.

The New Video Paradigm is about having fun while inspiring and empowering your viewers.  Right?

To dive into the New Video Paradigm watch this video:

As you can see, most importantly, the New Video Paradigm is about NOT feeling like you have to do video, just because video has been predicted to be 90% of all online marketing in 2014- right?

There are many people saying if you’re not doing video- you’re dead.  Or something fear-inducing like that.  I don’t know about you, but that fear-based/pressurizing kind of messaging stresses me out and it creates a scarcity, low-frequency vibe.

While I agree, it’s a very, very, very good idea to explore video for online marketing, I don’t think video is the end all for being successful in business.

Hunh?  How can a Video Visibility Mentor be saying something like that?

Well, I want to be transparent and I agree with people like Steve Chandler that a thriving coaching practice is not built on video and online marketing.  It’s built upon good coaching and powerful conversations. After all, business is about relationships and relating to people.

So, in all fairness, if you aren’t making videos, you’re not doomed!  Many entrepreneurs and coaches have kick-ass successful businesses and are not using video!

So with that said, doesn’t it take the pressure off, to realize you don’t have to be making videos in order to succeed?  You really don’t.

It’s a choice!  You get to choose.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, hmmmm….. you might actually WANT to make videos.  What a concept, eh?  That feels a lot different, doesn’t it?

Not only is it very business savvy to be seen on video, but it’s also a rite of passage that brings tremendous transformation and is incredibly empowering. 

And it’s actually FUN to be seen on video!

Personally, I find it super satisfying to be generating my own video images of myself- especially after working on tons of documentaries, features and educational films about other people for a few decades.

I never fully admitted to myself that I wanted to be seen up on the screen!  I never freakin’ fantasized I’d be starring in my own videos!    This is a HUGE accomplishment for me, considering I was sooooo incredibly shy as a kid, teenager, twenty year old etc…

I know how hard it is to BE on video.  Trust me.

Though I knew how to MAKE videos, BEING on videos was terrifying to me.

I had to have my hand held through the process after avoiding it for many torturous months when I was starting out my business as a Video Mentor!!

So….take a moment or two and check in with where you might want to be on video.  What excites you about it?  Feel the excitement.

Even if you’ve already been making videos, this applies to you, too!

We all need to connect with where we yearn to be seen and heard. 

It fuels our belief in ourselves that we matter and deserve to be seen on video and gives us the courage and fortitude to take the time and make yet another video and put ourselves out there.

So tell me, is there a part of you that wants, likes, yearns to be seen on video?  Share if you dare~ in the comments below!

If you’d like to explore how to dive into the New Video Paradigm in a transformational coaching conversation with me, you can apply here!

How do you get good at video?

Practice, practice, practice, particularly in a 30 Day Video Visibility Challenge!  That really helped me in my video journey–after working with a video coach, because I needed to have my hand held to get me going.  Some of us just need that extra support in the beginning.

A 30 Day Video Challenge offers group support, accountability, motivation, encouragement and a container to stretch yourself.

However, with or without a 30 Day Video Challenge, a good first step is to look at what you are good at.  Do you know how to make yourself look good?  Great!  Do you know how to use your iPhone as a video camera?  Great!

Maybe you’ve never made a video or only a few, and were really stiff- that’s OK!  It’s important to be your own cheerleader and look for 1 thing you can do with video- maybe you’ve got some great ideas, some good locations in mind, you’ve got a Youtube channel…

Look at the positive first!  That creates space and ease within you so you can be open to learn new things!

Second, you look at what you need help with, or what areas you want to get better at. That’s important too, In order to get better, you need to have a direction.  Make a list and pick 1 to work on- just 1!!!

Commit to doing 1 video a week, or every 2 weeks.  If you’re very shy or very challenged around video, check out my video on how to start building a relationship with your video camera/smart phone.

Now jump into my 30 Day Video Visibility Challenge !!  You get to choose what you want to commit to from.  It’ll be fun!  I promise!

See you over there!  I can’t wait to meet you!

How to get Good Sound with an iPhone without breaking the bank!

Okay so lets get technical!  I get asked about which microphone I use when I make my videos.  Well, often I don’t even use a microphone with my iPhone, because I’m on the go and just flying by the seat of my pants!

However, as a result,  I don’t always have the best sound and it’s ooooooh…..kay but it’s not something I like to do tooooo often, because ‘so-so’ sound reduces the effectiveness of your message- people are less likely to listen if it’s hard to hear you.

So, I decided to test out an external microphone with my iPhone.

If you like to get out there and make videos where there is a lot of noise- like at the beach, or at a conference or at an amusement park, it’s great to be able to have an inexpensive, non-bulky solution.  Right?

Absolutely! Check out this tiny, easy to use Lavalier Microphone.  It works like a CHARM and costs less than $20 on amazon!  You cannot beat that! (Click here to check it out on Amazon.)

But you also need to buy the KV Connection audio adapter to use this microphone with an iPhone and the iPad!  You don’t need it for video cameras.

The video above explains how to use these 2 gizmos.

If you have any questions please leave them below and I will be happy to answer them!

Now go on and get out there! Make me proud!  Make some Magnetic Clean Sounding Marketing videos!


How to Boost Your Know Like Trust Factor with Fun, ‘Holistic Marketing’ Videos

Hi there!  Hope you had a wonderful, tasty, festive Thanksgiving!

I actually experienced my first, and perhaps last, Thanksgivukah!  It was 2 for the price of one, shall we say!  Soooooo delicious!  Not just turkey but brisket, too!  Whooo hoooo!

It was rather sinful! But I made sure I hula hooped afterward!
Then I rode my bicycle and made a fun, non-businessy, holistic video while I was at it.
Why?  Because that’s the way I rolll!  (Pun intended ;-))

You can see me burning calories in the video above as well as sharing why this type of non-businessy/holistic marketing video is so effective!

Does this makes sense to you?  And is it still challenging for you to make a non-businessy, holistic marketing videos?

Just so you know, it makes total sense if it does.  Though fun, holistic marketing videos can seem a little more challenging as you are actually exposing more of yourself because you aren’t hiding behind your expertise and business persona.

Make sense?

In fact, I have to admit that I had to grow into these types of videos.  It was easier to give tips and share my expertise in the beginning.

So, I’d like to encourage you to notice if making a fun, holistic, non-businessy video appeals to you, yet challenges you.  If so, then your next step is to build up your visibility resiliency  with Tip Videos.  These are the easiest to make first.  And they help build your video visibility confidence.

In a holistic marketing video you combine your non-business side with your business persona and that takes a little more integration.

And it might not be challenging for you at all!  Which is great!

Either way, I encourage you to capture yourself doing things you love on video!  This will stimulate your holistic marketing video juices.  And if you don’t use this video footage right away- keep it in your video library, because it will come in handy when you are ready!

Trust me on this!  Every moment is a marketing moment that you don’t want to waste! 

Not that you have to film every moment of your life- just the remarkable moments- when you are doing fun, new, unusual, non-businessy types of activities!

If you would like to discuss any questions or concerns about making videos for your business, please shoot me an email.

I hate to see you stranded, strangled or stuck in your video-making.
Naming it and sharing your challenge is the first step you need to loosen the blockade and keep moving forward.
To Your Expanded Joy and Visibility!


Let me know in the comments below if you agree or disagree with the value of  ‘holistic marketing’ videos!  This is my opinion only.  Yours matters!

Make a Thanksgiving Marketing Video!

If you are stuck on what video to make, make a Thanksgiving video- whether it’s about being grateful to your business or anything in your life!

In this video, I share with you my version of a Thanksgiving video. And I explain why:

You don’t have to talk directly about your business to make a good marketing video that represents your brand! 

Check this out:

So go ahead and make a Thanksgiving video!

Not only is it good for your soul to share about what you are thankful for, it raises your vibration and makes you magnetic to your ideal clients!

Even if you do it after Thanksgiving-it’s not too late to make a Thanksgiving video- ’tis the season!  Go for it!

Share with me in the comments below if this was helpful for you!  I want to know! 

Thank you!  I am thankful to have your attention and feedback!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To your expanded frequency and visibility!



Do Something Fun (like Bicycle Riding) & Make Magnetic Marketing Videos!

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to do for a loooooooong time?  Something FUN?  But you can’t seem to make time for it because you feel you should focus 100% on your business?  Even though you know FUN is good for business, right?  So you keep putting it off!

I was feeling this tug of war extremely strongly yesterday, so I decided to break the internal battle and WORK on my business WHILE having FUN!

Check it out here!

Yes, I made a video, while doing something I have been wanting to do for 21/2 years- ride my bicycle!  And I’m using it to market my business- so WIN WIN!

I felt so energized and my “Inner Child” was thrilled to play 🙂  So, it was a lot easier to go back and get more work done.Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 11.49.19 PM

I’d love to hear in the comments below what would be FUN for YOU to do and whether you are ready to make a video about it!  If not, say what’s in the way of having fun while making your marketing videos and I’ll address as many concerns as I can in upcoming videos!

I want to know what is stopping you from having fun and making videos about FUN for your business!

Some of you may not see the correlation between doing something FUN on video and how it is GOOD for your business.  If that’s true, do let me know in the comments!

To your Expanded FUN and Visibility!

No Video Footage Turned Away for Lack of Usability!

Do you feel frustrated when you have visions of capturing kickass video footage of a business or personal adventure, only to feel like it was too hard to get and didn’t turn out as fantastically as you would have hoped?

Or do you get some decent footage but don’t really know how to integrate it into your marketing videos?

I can relate!  Marketing is an art and integrating less than perfectly planned video footage is a challenge!!  A creative challenge for sure!

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 11.57.24 PM

But first let me diverge and share the good news of my latest business adventure.  My talk, on Tuesday (11-12-13!), “How to Make Quick & Easy Youtube Videos” went really well at the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce!  I led a bunch of intrepid peeps with a Tip Video Script Template in one hand and a smart-phone in the other to dive in and film each other!  A total blast!

I love initiating Video Virgins!  Hee-hee!

Here are just a few of the amazing ah-has people had:

    • “That I could get over the intimidation of making videos with just one exercise.
    • “Inspiring- how simple it can be.
    • “Perfection is the enemy of ‘just good enough.‘”
    • Done is better than perfect.
    • Vary the location and quality of video.”

Here’s where the challenge comes in.  I had some snippets of the talk that my colleague and speaking coach, Marianne Simon, very generously filmed of me in addition to crazy footage that I shot by accident while I was demonstrating with my iPhone.  I managed to salvage this accidental footage that was mostly sideways and throw it into the mix!  Here’s the video I cobbled together:

It was challenging mostly because I kept chastising myself for not planning better.  I kept asking myself, “how can I possibly make a ‘useful’ video out of this random hodge-podge?”

Well, I was determined because as an editor- I am tenacious about “no footage  un-touched.”  And I’m glad I bothered to spend the time because I learned A LOT!!!  And I want to share it with YOU!

So what did I learn from this?

  • It’s important to use imperfect video footage of you speaking (or performing any one-time event) to share what you are up to with your ideal clients, even if the footage is incomplete– or even hap-hazard and seemingly unusable.
  1. Hire an editor or a video coach if you want help creating something with it.
  2. Use Titles to help drive home a few points that need further emphasis.
  3. Or just include one unedited clip in your blog and supplement the details by writing whatever is needed to make sense of the footage. (This is true for any video situation.  I gave this suggestion to a client and it worked beautifully!)
  4. All video footage is salvageable! You hear me? It’s better than NO footage.  And learn from the situation on how to get more usable footage 😉
  5. Whatever footage you have is worth capitalizing on.  Every moment captured on video is GOLD for your marketing.  Don’t underestimate the power of moving images- no matter how unprofessional they look!  They are still far more valuable than words alone to capture this live action proof!  As you can see my video is no masterpiece but it captures the energy of my talk, the fun, the essence.  It’s a great record of my speaking!  And I’m using it in this blog as a teaching opportunity.  Are you with me?
  6. If at all possible set up a tripod and camera with a decent microphone and capture the whole talk!  I will definitely do this next time.  Why? Well it can be re-purposed as a free gift or product to be sold as a video, audio or e-book!
  7. Use the Q&A footage as market research and a record of what your ideal clients are needing help with. (Thank you Tracy Braime!)
  8. If you can, get someone to get some additional footage- it’s nice to get different angles. I am so grateful Marianne shot different angles!
  9. Crazy randomly shot footage can be doctored. Can you tell which footage I’m talking about in the video? It adds to the visual variety and captures the lively filming activity of the participants.
  10. The creative problem-solving required to create a video led me to offer a Tip Video Script Template as a free gift since the video doesn’t really cover all that I have to say about using a Tip Video Script Template- this was not something I had intended but was a totally fun, expanding idea.   Feel free to grab the Tip Video Script Template as I decided to upgrade it and add some great information to it, so it’s like a mini-lesson on creating your Tip Video script.

I hope this has inspired you to gather even more video footage of your adventures in business or in your personal life!  Remember, no video footage should be turned away for seeming lack of usability!

A little bit of creative problem-solving can open up all kinds of new marketing doors while expanding the Variety of your Visibility!

To your Expanded and Varied Visibility!

Video Promos for your Speaking Engagements + How to Use Editing to Jazz them up!

The fun thing about the online video marketing extravaganza is that you get to be your own ad agency, creating videos to promote any aspect of your business.

And it’s so cost effective, compared to TV ads! Once you have the basics, you can adapt video for any purpose, very easily.

For example, I made a video to promote a talk I am giving at the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce’s Tech Talk Tuesday on “How to make Quick & Easy Youtube Videos.”

This is a local event, as opposed to a virtual event and is intended to get people to show up in person, rather than online– which is how I’m used to using video. So my video is acting like a promo or flyer to get local business owners to come to the talk.

The Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce is emailing their large list of members this video, which is definitely going to be far more ‘magnetic’ than a written blurb- don’t you think?

To hold my viewers’ attention and deliver all the details effectively, I’ve done a few things.

Watch the video and see if you can list all 8 engagement techniques. I’ve listed them below so you can see how many you noticed.

8 Engagement Techniques:

1) Titles over black to introduce the video and identify the talk, as well as at the end to reiterate date, time and location
2) Music at the beginning and ending, that is fun and funky
3) Titles that give information: eg. identifying my name and website
4) Titles that move on the screen and fade out eg. announcing the date, which uses 2 different colors!
5) I deliberately shot myself at different places in the frame- to the right and left in the Wide Shots, Medium shots and Close ups, so that I could jumpcut myself and make it looks like I am jumping forward and backward in the screen between different thoughts
6) I included a few ‘props’
7) I turned a Medium shot into a Closeup by cropping it to punch up the line: “Boost your business”
8) Titles that add humor (not just information)

How many did you notice? Are there any that I didn’t list? Do share in the comments below!

Do you notice a common theme among these engagement techniques?

Most of them are done in the editing process! Right? In fact, only the use of props is done solely during the shooting. And there are more ‘editing tricks’ you can do in the editing process, which I will go over in another blog. So no fancy shooting required. Just a little ‘fancy’ editing- which is very easy to do.

Why did I use so much editing? Cuz I like to edit?

Well, yes, that’s true. I like to make my low-tech shooting look as high-tech as it can. And the truth is, a promo isn’t really that attention-grabbing as there isn’t a lot of scintillating information being given- simply details for the upcoming event. So I wanted to deliver those details in as memorable and interesting a way as I could, so I used all those editing tricks.

No matter what the topic is about, video with a little video editing is an engaging way to promote the event. In fact, I think it would be a really fun way to promote a birthday party, a wedding, an art opening, a jewelry show etc…! Right?

The sky’s the limit! Does this inspire you to use more video? I can’t wait to see!!

To your expanded visibility,


P.S. So if you want to register for Tech Talk Tuesday: “How to Make Quick & Easy Youtube Videos” go to

  • Tomasa Macapinlac · Following · CEO and Founder at Tomasa Macapinlac, Your Business Mojo Mentor · 235 subscribers

    Michelle White Hart, you are an amazing editor. OMG, I’m not sure I want to learn how to edit. That would take too much time from my genius. You do make some good points about the titles and the music and those jump cuts are amazing but how you do the close-ups…I mean my GF, Nathalie Chapron – The French Stylist Extraordinaire, was impressed by your video editing. She wanted to know if I had different camera angles…I said no…she did all of this from her editing. I think that you are about to get some business from friends. You know when people see my stuff, I share you with the world!
    P.S. — I want to know how you got this comment stuff interfaced with FB, seriously.;-)
    • Michelle White Hart · Top Commenter · Video Visibility Mentor at Me · 1,084 subscribers

      Thanks Tomasa Macapinlac! I’m honored to be working on your videos and sharing them with your network! I’d love to help your friend Nathalie. Delighted she was impressed! Editing is fun for me and I agree, editing is not for everyone, however, basic editing is VERY helpful and will make you more versatile in sharing your video footage when you need to pop something up onto Youtube quickly. And I know you already know how to do that- kudos to you, my dear! But for fancier editing- hey! Give it to an editor you trust- like me:)! And knowing about these techniques I mention increases your video vocabulary and makes you savvier in asking your editor to implement them.
      Reply · 1 · Like · 24 minutes ago
    • Michelle White Hart · Top Commenter · Video Visibility Mentor at Me · 1,084 subscribers

      the facebook comment stuff is a wordpress widget that apparently is very easy to install! You must get it!
      Reply · Like · 22 minutes ago
  • Jennifer Allain Gates · Owner at The Gates 2 Wellness, LLC

    Such great information Michelle!!! Thanks so much! I actually am in the middle of a 30 day video series that forced me to get very visible, get over the need for perfection and get over the fear! After this 30 days, making videos is going to be a breeze!
    • Michelle White Hart · Top Commenter · Video Visibility Mentor at Me · 1,084 subscribers

      Congratulations on doing a 30 day video series!!! Such an awesome accomplishment and yes, it will totally impact your video making- tremendously!! While helping you develop further your body of work! So glad this was helpful!
      Reply · Like · 31 minutes ago
Katie says:

Michelle, this is SO helpful…videos and especially editing are new to me and, to be honest, still a little bit daunting so I totally appreciate your expertise in making the process so much more approachable!

michelle says:

I’m so glad this was helpful and that it makes editing more approachable Katie! Editing can definitely be daunting on top of video already! But you only have to learn one editing trick at a time and build your editing palette slowly. Celebrate and savor each one you learn and use!

Carrie says:

I really enjoyed reading this post, Michelle! I love how you included so much info in a way that feels engaging and easeful to read. It is awesome to have some direction in the area of video editing. Makes it feel much more accessible.
Thank you!

michelle says:

So glad it was more than palatable to you, Carrie! Delighted to hear editing feels more accessible to you!!

Angela says:

Great video and thanks for the tips Michelle! I wish I was more tech-curious like you!

michelle says:

Glad you enjoyed it, Angela! I love “tech-curious”!

Erin says:

The past week has been stressful for me, in regards to video. It’s refreshing to remember that it can be simple and painless — filming is comfortable for me, but editing has been challenging. My next video, I’m using this checklist. :)

michelle says:

Best of luck editing, Erin! Just a few of these engagement techniques is all you need as I know you’re VERY engaging already! Can’t wait to see your next video!

Liz says:

Great video and tips Michelle! The engagement techniques are really helpful. Do you use imovie to edit? I use imovie on my ipad and I don’t think I can make the text move like that or have them in color either (maybe the ipad version has less functionality?).

michelle says:

Thanks so much, Liz! So glad the engagement techniques are helpful, Liz! I do use iMovie to edit. I want to find out how iMovie is on the iPad, so I’ll investigate if there is reduced functionality- my guess is that that makes sense. I’ll find out and let you know! That would be a great video idea for me- so thank you for your question!

Penny says:

Loved your video and the TIPS Michelle! Wish I were closer, I would come and see you LIVE. time for me to get behind the camera again and start filming and “editing” YAY! You’ve lit the fire gorgeous!!

michelle says:

So glad this lit the fire under the igniter herself!! Looking forward to seeing what you create, my dear!!! Please tag me!!

Great stuff in here u learned sooo much! It was fun to read too. I love all your different video styles. It is playful and gets your point across really well!

michelle says:

Thanks Katherine! Great reflection! Playfulness can also be Clear!


Ever go MIA with your peeps? Your list? Your blog?

Before I share how I went MIA and got out of it,  I thought I’d share my latest adventure in visibility!  I just attended Christina Morassi’s Ecstatic Wealth live event and had the privilege of speaking on the success panel!  What a thrill and honor to be up there amongst my superstar peers!

I was nervous!  But I did manage to have fun up there!

Can you tell?

My inner ham came out to play!

It was a huge visibility accomplishment for me! I’ve only taught movement from a stage- I’ve never SPOKEN on a stage!

And what got me on that stage?  It was the result of having stretched my visibility muscles and making over 50 videos in 6 months!  Whoo hooo!

And what helped prepare me to speak on that stage AND have a good time?

You got it!

Making videos is awesome prep for speaking on stage! 

Time to celebrate!

Pause. Breathe. Receive.


Meanwhile, I haven’t sent an email or blogged in about 6 weeks! Wow!  Were you wondering what happened?

Ever go MIA for a chunk of time?  Putting off making your videos or sending out emails to your list?  Well the more time went by it got harder and harder for me to get back into the ‘visibility’ ring.

How did I get back in?

Watch this video to see how I broke that nasty pattern today!

If you are waiting to be ready or letting your self-judgment stop you from making your first video, I have a new Jumpstart VIP video package to get you going!

I hold your hand (on skype or in person) and guide you to move right past those visibility blockades and teach you how to shoot a video so that you can do it completely on your own afterward!

Right now, I’m offering this 4.5 hour VIP package for only $495! It is normally priced at $750!! You can find out more here.

This hot deal is will not be available for much longer.  So be sure to take advantage now!

To your expanded Video Visibility!