Happy Sacred Feminine ‘V’ Day!

 I’m not done with “V” Day!  Are you?

I think “V” Day is an important day to honor the Sacred Feminine part of our body, wouldn’t you say?  And that we should honor “Her”, in some way, EVERY day!

In archeology, the letter V represents the pubic triangle of the Goddess and is one of the most ancient and powerful symbols!

Fem-power, all the way, eh?

Some of the earliest artwork of pubic triangles can be seen in the Paleolithic, Chauvet Cave, in France.

This cave painting, one of many,  dates back to 32,000 BC (!!!)  (Yup! The Goddess, Yoni Power was all the rage for 20,000 + years!!!)

On the right side of this image you can see a prominent, black pubic triangle.

It is the center focal point of a trinity image- merged with a bison/shaman figure to the right and a lion to the left.

This image is magical and shamanistic. 
If you look at the closeup, the two legs and the pubic triangle clearly depict a woman’s hips and legs.  If you look at the wider image, you notice how one of the legs belongs to the lion and the other belongs to the Bison/shaman.

This blending of realities exudes the ancient shamanistic perspective, like that of the Kalahari Bushmen, who do not have distinct divisions between animal, human, and spirit worlds.

They believe that animals and super beings are human in another state.

In their shamanistic rituals, they dance and enter altered states to communicate directly with super beings and animals.

I feel we can learn from their practices and  their gorgeous ancient artwork by honoring our bodies and yonis through embodied, free style, ‘let yourself dance’ movement!  Enjoy honoring your V!

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